According to witnesses, the nanny goat which belongs to and Octogenarian identified simply as Mrs. Ola laboured for more than 24 hours without any success before veterinary doctors were invited for an emergency rescue of the goat which was already exhausted.
Many residents who witnessed the strange birth declined to speak, fearing that the occurrence has ominous undertone.
A middle-aged resident who spoke under the condition of anonymity confirmed that it was the first time he would hear of such occurrence since he started living in the environment.
“If it were those days of the past, the owner would be forced to visit the palace to say her own side of the story of how she came about the goat and the kid,” the resident said.
“It would be termed ‘fetish and chronic use of juju’ and the owner might even be sent into exile if proper explanation was not given.”
Another resident who also begged to remain anonymous held that a goat with two heads was the handiwork of evil-doers, testing their evil powers through this channel.
“It is not ordinary. God doesn’t make mistakes. Strange things are happening these days and I think the world is coming to an end like the Holy book said,” the resident said.
However, Dr. Abdulrasheed Shuaib, the veterinary doctor who led the team that eventually saved the goat from the strenuous strange birth said it was a mere mistake in nature.
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