Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Let’s explain to you How EXACTLY Linda Ikeji makes her Millions

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So now that the news is everywhere, especially in places where the media gossips, that Linda Ikeji has finally gone nuclear and launched everything in every available space, with multi-million naira investments to make sure she wins, the wags are out again: how is she getting the money? Where is she getting the money? Has the APC replaced the PDP as her biggest alleged benefactor?
So maybe we need to put this to rest and for all.
Linda Ikeji does not, in fact, need the money of any rich man, political party, or drug leader. You have to believe it: she makes all this money from blogging, from good old, consistent, hard-charging, talented, break-the-news-and-the-gist-first blogging.
Linda screenshot5To convince you and shut this down for the very last time, we will do the maths for you.
On Thursday, 11 August, we sat down – all of us together – and did an analysis of Linda’s income in just one day, on just one site.
There are five basic income streams that are visible to the eyes on the homepage.
1. Sponsored posts
In one day, we counted 20 sponsored posts on Linda Ikeji’s site. TWENTY. And for good measure, we went back two weeks. That’s the average. 20. Linda Ikeji’s posts go for 50,000 each. Now, because they already so fairly priced, she doesn’t give discounts on this amount – no matter the bulk, at least for the larger market. Last two weeks, she updated the cost to N55,000. But for the sake of argument, let’s go with N50,000.
That means that in just ONE DAY, last Thursday, Linda Ikeji made N1 million naira. And she makes this minimum N1 million EVERY WEEK DAY. Without fail. That’s N20 million naira per month, ONLY from sponsored posts.
Linda screenshot32. Custom ads
These are adverts placed directly by companies or agencies. We haven’t confirmed the new figures, but on an average this should cost N500,000 per month each. We counted 12 on her site on Thursday. That is N6 million in one month.
We see no evidence that any of them is an in-kind ad, perhaps from an event partnership. But let’s even assume that 2 of them are. So let’s make that N5 million a month.
Linda screenshot23. Google Ads

This is her main source of income and the reason why the silly made-up scandal by Mr. Ayedee made her come out swinging. Her Google income, which comes in dollars, is her biggest, most consistent source of income outside of the top banner ads. They are a mainstay of the major sites in the country in terms of traffic including Naij, Pulse, Daily Post, SaharaReporters, TooXclusive, and Naijaloaded.
Let’s assume Linda is doing 1 million page views a day in traffic – and there is no reason why she shouldn’t. Why we are so sure? Alexa rankings are inaccurate judge of traffic, but for the top 50 players on that rankings site, they are pretty much reliable. You don’t get to the top 50 by playing around with Alexa toolbars, or tech-contenting your way there.
Insiders say makes about 3 million, and certainly no more than 2 million page views a day.

Linda is Number 14 in Nigeria, and most importantly, Number 2,130 globally. Naij is Number 18 in Nigeria, and 2,168 globally. Since global is the best indicator for assumed pageviews, it means they are bye and large getting the same traffic. If the sources from Naij aren’t suffering some kind of brain damage, that means Linda is hitting at least 2 million page views a day.
But for the purposes, of conservative calculations, let’s say it’s 1 million. She has the traditional 3 Google Ads on her site to suck up the income from that traffic. For that amount of traffic, she should be making no less than $50,000 monthly. Converting it with the really dollar exchange rate, not the anomaly from the Central Bank of Nigeria, that’s at least (we used 375), that is a monthly revenue of at least N18,750,000.
You still here?
Linda screenshot14. Top banners
At any given time that Jesus is on the throne, Linda has a minimum of 3 top banners on her site. On Thursday, when we counted there were three.
Each of those go for at least N1 million monthly. So, for those three, Linda has at least N3 million in her bank account.
So, N3 million.
Linda screenshot45. Site takeover
This is hugely popular in Nigeria if you’re BellaNaija or LindaIkeji. She has had the God is Good Motors app takeover on that site for at least three weeks now, if not a month.
That takeover costs N750,000 a week – the last time our source made a payment for the space. Four weeks makes that N3 million.
So let us do the maths together, brothers and sisters.
20,000,000 + 5,000,000 + 18,750,000 + 3,000,000 + 3,000,000 = 49,750,000.
Rounded up to the closest reasonable total, that is 50 million naira.
From just the things we can see on her site, Linda Ikeji has the capacity, on an average month to pull in 50 million naira through her blog.
That’s a reasonable assumption of N600,000,000 every year.
The girl can afford a house in Banana Island based on her own income. She can afford original Louboutins whenever and however she wants them. And she sure as Jove can afford a N100 million a year office if she just wants a place to play.
Stop hating. Start praying.
Culled from Y! Naija

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