I just looked at Bidemi with disgust. She seems serious about what she meant. Only if she could see through my heart; she would know that Ruka is not a competition to her.
Bidemi didn’t move an inch, even as kikelomo tried packing all her things and putting back on her shoes. We all kept quiet. Bidemi can be stubborn in a situation like this and I know that she won’t move an inch as she has rightly said. I looked at Ruka; who now looks relax than ever. She doesn’t look like someone intimidated: she seems determined not to bow out to Bidemi’s threat. Who would blame her after what Bidemi did to her the other day.
I kept quiet and looked at the whole scenario. Kikelomo shouted at Bidemi to let them go but she still refused. She connected a call to their mum.
MummyK: hello kikelomo, are you guys on your way now?
Kikelomo: no ooo.. it’s Bidemi ma…
As soon as Bidemi heard her name. She rushed over to kikelomo and snatched the phone off her.
Bidemi: it’s nothing mummy… we just decided to spend a little time with Femi but we are on our way now.
She dint even bother to give back the phone to her sister, before she terminated the call.
Bidemi: (raised voice) what do you want to tell her?
Kikelomo: you should have waited for me to finish my conversation with her for you to find out.
Bidemi: I just don’t like the way you are doing sometimes… I just don’t like it.
Kikelomo: If you know what it’s good for you: you better follow me now.
Kikelomo stood up and greeted the rest of the girls; she headed for the door. I moved over to Bidemi and held her by her hand: trying to drag her to her feet. She forcefully removed her hand from my grip; shouting that I leave her alone.
I rushed after Kikelomo as she headed out of the door. I dint follow her downstairs but hid behind the door and tried listening to any voices that’s coming from the living room.
Bidemi: I will be back for you Ruka. If you think that I would allow you to take over my life without giving you a fight then you are in for a shocker.
Ruka: (laughing) Femi and I were supposed to be through with our relationship; but with this attitude of yours. I guess; I might take an exception to that. Femi is a good looking and caring guy that I have ever met. The way he kisses; perfect. His touches; heavenly. His words; touching. He doesn’t deserve someone like you. You are too hot tempered and not even that beautiful. I would have said “charity begins at home”; but because of kikelomo.
Bidemi: (kept quiet)
Kikelomo: (continues) I reserved my comment. I kept quiet all this while because I don’t want to see Femi got hurt: thank God he’s not even hear. I guess now, I can give you a piece of my mind. Bidemi, if you know what is good for you… try to note that Femi is our boyfriend and I’m not also leaving him for anybody. I will be a fool to leave Femi for someone uncultured like you. Bidemi my dear, the game just changed. I’m not leaving Femi for you with this kind of attitude (continues in Ibo and hausa language). You see… you are no competition for me. I pity you.
She finished her words with Bidemi still trying to digest all what Ruka said. Ruka picked her bag and brushed Bidemi aside as she walks out of the door. Bidemi fell on her bum. Ruka saw me behind the door.
Ruka: (smiling) I will call you later in the day when I presumed some busy body would have left.
I just kept quiet as she left. Bidemi was so ashamed to move. Funmilayo and Chidinma moved closer to Bidemi. They started pleading with her to let it go. I moved in and she was in tears. She never expected a rash reaction from Ruka. I felt bad for Bidemi but very happy that it’s Ruka’s day today. I moved straight to my room without trying to console her.
I laid on my bed for like five minutes when Funmilayo entered my room. She pleaded that I should go and see her out of our house. She has been crying since after the incident. I connected a call to kikelomo and I explained all that happened to her. She seems very happy and said that she deserves what she got. I pleaded with her to come back to our house: which she agreed to after much pleading.
I went to the living room and I sat beside her. This has not been the first time that I have seen Bidemi like this; but I think it’s the first time that Bidemi would wish that the ground should just open up and swallow her. It’s the same mood I found myself when kikelomo slapped me at the cinemas.
I smiled as I touched her by her shoulder.
To Be Continued…
These girls eh? 😀😀
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