How can you know a guy you’re seeing loves you? How can you tell he’s really falling for you and it’s not a fling to him? Many a woman has wondered this, and while there’s no magic formula there are some reliable signs that he’s head over heels for you.
1. He'll change his plans to be with you He will drop his plans or whatever he’s doing to help you, or be with you. This signals that you are a priority and his care and concern centers around you.
2. He makes it known to you that you are important to him. This can be in a variety of ways: he could say it, but he could also show it by appreciating you, appreciating the things he knows are important to you, responding to calls, texts and emails quickly and lovingly, and integrating you into his daily life.
3. He includes you in his social life. He introduces you to his family, and circle of friends. More than once. He is affectionate with you in front of all.
4. He talks about his hopes and dreams for the future with you He discusses future plans together. Not just about your relationship, but shares his dreams for the future. If he considers you part of his future.
5. He values your opinion. He seeks your opinion on matters that are personal and values the opinion you share. In a true partnership, both partners will value one another perspectives, wisdom and opinions. If he is doing this, then you’re in his heart and mind.
6. He does things he may not enjoy, simply because it makes you happy. it’s probably love.
7. He listens to you. He doesn’t just lust you but also listens to you.
8. He's by your side looking after you when you're sick He takes care of you if you’re sick. Men aren’t always known for being the best nurses, but if his nurturing and caring instincts kick in when you’re sick and he asks what you need, and genuinely wants to do what he can for you, then you know he thinks you’re pretty special.
9. He's interested in knowing everything about you. He wants to meet your family, get to know your friends, and is deeply interested in your life, thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams. If he’s really falling in love with you.
10. He makes an effort. He's ready to do anything for you. He care and treat you well. He has fearing of God. He want the best for you and supporting you in everything you're doing. BUT Becareful ladies because many men are pretenders
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