“I was sitting with Mourinho, who was telling me about his disastrous summer holiday to Brazil.
“But suddenly Jose’s holiday tales were stopped in their tracks. Not only that, but the whole Chelsea contingent fell into an immediate silence. Startled eyes stared, jaws dropped and every man there was rendered immobile.That’s the effect Jennifer Aniston had.”
Jose was no different. He did what everyone did as the Friends star breezed through the front doors and into the hotel reception area: froze on the spot with only his eyes moving.
Jennifer Aniston was absolutely gorgeous that day and clearly realised the impact she had made on this body of men.
She even glanced over at the motley collection of zombie-like individuals she had mesmerised and flashed us a beaming smile.
All too soon she had disappeared from sight into the corridor and inevitably Jose was the first to react. ‘F***ing hell, Brad Pitt — what a w*****!’
Pitt had of course dumped Jennifer the year before and turned his attentions to Angelina Jolie instead, a fact Mourinho was equally quick to seize upon.
In a flash he added: ‘Jennifer Aniston one, Angelina Jolie nil’ and as he mentioned Jolie’s name he pouted to mimic Angelina’s famous full mouth, her trademark feature.
More guffaws all around. Jose was japing around of course but he was probably thinking what everyone else was: who would possibly give up Jennifer Aniston?
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