Sunday, September 11, 2016

So Anoying : See 8 Things N500 Cannot Buy Anymore

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This nation is having it rough at this time.things are tough and inflation has become like a virus on the economy, Nigerians known for our ability to endure tough situations are really getting uncomfortable with this. When the former CBN Governor Charles Soludo Introduced the N500 note, we were all happy for an increase in higher purchasing power, we thought it was going to be the highest denomination but now we hope the Central bank doesn’t introduce N5000 note on the current 1000 Naira note which stands as Nigeria highest denomination.

Here are 10 things Nigerians can no longer do with the N500 Note ;

1. You cant cook an average soup with N500 anymore… back in time 10 years ago, a low income Nigerian family could at least prepare stew with N500. Now all that is gone.

2. 500Naira can no longer buy Hair attachment. I guess our ladies can attest to this.

3. The guys too are not left out.Now pay above N500 to cut there hair. Ask teebliz. Hehehe.gringrin

4. N500 can no Longer buy a Lecturer’s Handout! Our University lecturers now sell there average handout for atleast N1000.

5. OK I think I should say this one,i was oblivious of how expensive the female bra is. I discovered quality bra is now above N500..Bra’s now sell for N2000. The new and quality type.

6. Its just heartbreaking to know N500 can no longer buy Shawarma.

7. N500 can no longer buy Drugs that cures Malaria or Typhoid. May we not fall sick in Jesus Name!
8. Its worthy of note also to say 500 Naira can no longer power your Generator over night, irrespective of the KVa of the generator.

We are hopeful.. Nigerians are really hopeful that this storm called recession passes. I am sure even the unlearned man on the street know now knows what recession is. We @voiceofaudacity stand in hope with every Nigerian at this trying times. Because of our resolve not to give up at this defining moment, change would come to Nigeria.

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