Sunday, September 11, 2016

Vegetables, Water & More: How to Make Your Skin Glow Now And Forever

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Many have wondered why their skin can’t be as fresh as it was when they were younger. Many have tried every available options yet the skin has just refused to glow.

Clear, flawless and glowing skin is what everyone desires as no one enjoys the presence of pimples, acne, eczema and black spots.

Making your skin flawless can’t only be achieved through chemicals. You can get a shiny skin by applying natural tips which are easily accessible and promote a healthy life.

1. Drink water

Water is very good for the health as it purifies impurities. It cleanses the body by eliminating the toxic waste and also removes excess oils and dirt.

Inculcate the habit of taking in at least 2 litres of water per day. It gets rid of every dryness and wrinkle and also helps to boost the immune system.

Adhering to this will give your body a noticeable change in less than a week.

2. Eat vegetables

Once the digestive system encounters problem, there is a strong likelihood that there would be skin impurities.

Good diet enhances a healthy skin and ingesting the right amount of micro-nutrients and vitamins helps clear the skin.

To have a glowing natural skin, carefully select vegetables and fruits which are rich in vitamins and omega3 fatty acids that would help reduce inflammation and leave you with a flawless skin.

3. Employ skin hydration

You can’t get tired of washing that body. Yes, you really have to wash it at least twice a day.

Some ask ‘where is the time?’ But it’s essential that you take your bath at least twice a day to wash off the bacteria that have found their way to the skin’s pores.

That makeup shouldn’t go to bed with you; wash it off with soap and cold water as warm water opens the skin pores to bacteria and dirt but cold water closes up pores.

The movement required to washing your face is a circular one, don’t scrub your face like you scrub other part of your body. The face is so delicate and applying force on it could result in irritation.

4. Try exfoliation

You want to have a clear skin and you’ve tried cleansing, moisturising and toning but you’ve ignored exfoliation; maybe now is the time to try it out.

Periodic exfoliation could be what your skin needs at the moment and it only requires ingredients like oats and orange peel to help remove dead cells and impurities from the skin.

5. Detoxification helps

Ignore the name, it might sound like there is much to be done but it is one of the simplest ways to attain a glowing skin.

You are required to carefully choose the 30 days to run a detoxification program.

During that time, you’ll ingest fruits and vegetable detox diet which would help purge and cleanse the system and enhance the functions of the liver, kidney and colon.

6. Unpack stress

You have to learn to lift worries off and rest your body. Sleep is the most essential way and number one secret to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Give your body adequate rest, reduce stress and make an occasional visit to the spa or swimming pool to relax your muscles.

7. Engage in physical activities

Some have been made to believe that engaging in physical activities is only essential for weight loss hence, they don’t exercise the body.

Do you know that exercises like indoor aerobics can help the heart pump more blood and increase energy flow to the skin cells?

Physical activities help neutralises oxidative stress and rid the cells of waste products. Exercise helps you break sweat which flushes toxins and reduces stress in the body.

8. Keep your hands off

Learn to take your hands off those pimples and irritations. Picking the surface lightly could result in skin damage. Leave those pimples, your fingers cannot make them disappear so why even go there?

When you pick the acne, you are creating more acne and equally giving way to discoloration; for every pimple you burst, you cause inflammation to the skin.

9. Wait for results

For those who are already applying some products, be patient with them; don’t be in a hurry to see result. Don’t combine several products, stick to one, apply and wait for the positive result.

Also, endeavour to know the kind of product that fits your skin. Don’t go for a product a friend with an oily skin uses while you have a dry skin. The result might not be a good one.

Credits: TheCable Lifestyle

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