To know how to flirt with a woman you like is very important. With the right words, you will have her thinking about taking you to bed. This could even make her fall in love with you.It is so much easier to ask these questions through a text, as she might feel uncomfortable if you ask her personally and this will blow your chances. Also, if she is uninterested, it is better to pretend you are kidding via text.Below are the questions:
#1. How do you think my body would look better, shaved or natural? Isn’t it a nice thought to know that the girl you like is picturing you naked the minute you ask her this question?
#2. If there’s one place a guy should touch you to make you h0rny, which
is that?This goes straight to s*x and arousal. And if she does answer this truthfully, in all probability, she’s already aroused.
#3. Does a massage make you wet? A full body massage makes almost all girls wet. You can always tell her something like “Just so you know,
#4. If I kissed your lips accidentally while kissing goodbye, would you mind it? Make her imagine your kiss. It’s a perfect question to get her to pucker up.
#5.What’s your secret move to turn a guy on? By asking her to visualize making out with a guy and describe it to you, you’re making her fantasize about s3x. And at the same time, she may go into details just to prove how good she is s3.xually.
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