Billionaire Tech Mogul, Mark Zuckerberg, paid a visit to the church on Sunday and shared his experience. He wrote:
in Charleston, South Carolina and I spent the morning at Mother Emanuel
-- the oldest African Methodist Episcopal church in the South. This
community is a symbol of resilience. In 2015, a white supremacist walked
into bible study and murdered nine of its black members, including its
pastor. The community experienced a level of grief beyond what I can
imagine, and they are still working through it. Yet in the face of such
hate and tragedy, the victims' families forgave the murderer and treated
him with compassion. While many cities might erupt with racial tension
after murders like these, the Mother Emanuel community, with a tradition
of fighting injustice, led the city in setting a tone of calm for the
whole nation. As one white resident of Charleston told me: "the ones we
should be apologizing to are forgiving us."
our goal to build stronger communities, we have a lot to learn from
Charleston and Mother Emanuel. At dinner with the reverend, rabbi,
police chief, mayors, and heads of local non-profits last night, they
told me one reason the community got through this is they've been
building strong bonds for years. The mayor said that you can't wait
until a crisis to build community; you need strong community in place
when a crisis hits.
"The police chief described
how his department has been running a summer camp to help kids and
police officers get to know each other for a decade. They build trust so
that when there's an emergency or when kids need help, they don't see
each other as the enemy.
"There are inspiring
stories like this all over Charleston. One woman I met was so committed
to integrating the community that she worked overtime as a waitress to
raise funds for a social justice program she founded to help people
coming out of prison find jobs and become full members of the community
"The community still has issues. In my
day here, I also heard stories about how a family with white children
and an adopted black child always seems to have its black child pulled
over for having a tail light out, even though all the kids share the
same car. And many people told me Charleston culture values civility so
highly that some issues just go unspoken. But overall, this is clearly a
city that is committed to building a strong community and that has
"I am deeply grateful to Reverend
Eric S.C. Manning and the Mother Emanuel family for welcoming me into
your community. As the reverend said in his sermon this morning: "I will
lift up my eyes to the hills, even though my heart may be heavy." I
hope more communities lift up their eyes to see what you have built. It
will help them when their hearts are heavy, and it will help us all
build stronger communities around the world."
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