The numbers substantiate the situation; a whopping 36.7 million out of our total 182.2 million population are financially-excluded for reasons ranging from ease of use to literacy levels, cost of these services and employment rates.
Trends are quickly being replaced as soon as they arrive. As such, the evolution of financial technology is not slowing down for anyone even the financially-excluded. QuicktellerPaypoint is doing a great job geared towards closing the identified gaps, eliminating the hassles associated with accessing financial services, saving customer’s time and money while improving the employment statistics; A classic case of killing three birds with one stone!
Financial inclusion is a huge sector on its own with a strong need for special attention and focus. It is about economic empowerment for the under-served with impact on national development.
Call 01-700-4347 or visit dig.ng/paypointas to become an active player in this economic revolution.
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