Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Shocking Story: How I finally got a solution to my embarrassing saggy and small breast without any side effects

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Are You Tired of Having a flat or saggy Boobs? Did you miss how perky your Boobs was before you started giving birth ?Are you a young girl who has not gotten married but already has a Sleeping Boobs?

Do you sometimes struggle with the feelings of having your Boobs pointing at the floor ?

Or is there crazy stretch marks like koboko all over your Boobs ?

Or are you becoming so self conscious about your flat Boobs that you are already having low self esteem?

Or You Want To Make Your boobs bigger ?

I know how you feel and i can assure you that you aren’t alone. I have been there and knows exactly where the shoe pinches.

LET ME Tell you my Story

It was a Saturday morning i was getting set for a party with Hubby.

We where gisting while preparing for the event then he gently slides behind me
and was saying sweet words.

How he appreciated me keeping fit for him.

Because truth be told i blew up 3 times than i was before he married me right
after the 3rd Child.

So he cuddled from behind, rubbing my ass, Kissing my ears softly then he
proceeded to grab my boobs.

After 2 Minutes of rubbing the tips i noticed he removed his hands from my bra.

I felt a bit pained. Because i was getting set for a quickie with him before we
stepped out.

He removed his hands from my boobs, kissed me gently and jokingly whispered
some of the most heart wrenching words i have heard in my life to me.

You want to guess what he said ?

I really missed those days when your boobs was standing and just staring at the
nipples and full growth of the boobs alone makes me really hard.

Those boobs used to turn me on. Now it kills my erection.

Of a truth i noticed he was well erected till he touched my boobs.

So i jokingly replied him.

Is it not your 3 Kids that flattened it out ?

Well i know they flattened it out he answered,
But its not sexy still and it makes it hard for me to really make you feel

I am even only servicing your engine so you won’t say i am cheating on you.

Well even though we were joking, Those words spoilt my mood and almost ruined
my day.

Anyways we went out that day and when we got back home.

I raised the issue again.

Note: Me and hubby are
practically bestfriends so i discuss things with him without feeling ashamed.

I raised the issue again,you said my boobs ain’t sexy anymore. Is that how your
other friends complains of their wives too ?

Well yes he replied they all complain bitterly and can’t do anything about it
and most even cheat with girls that have perkier boobs.

Oya give me money i want to go do breast surgery I suggested.

He said okay, I would think about it.
Get your passport ready.

Wow this must really be a serious issue.

Hubby is not easy to convince to depart with money and here he is willing to
fund a breast surgery for me.

It was at this juncture i got to know how bad having a saggy breasts is.

It reduces self esteem. makes you look unattractive and worst part putting on
Bikinis won’t be sexy on you.  especially
if you have stretch mark on your BOOBS.

I really didn’t want the surgery.

So i started researching and testing some creams i saw in Nigeria. None worked.

Let me save you the headaches sha.

But truth is Saggy breasts made me feel so bad and it started affecting my marriage
as i was now very self conscious and scared of hubby cheating on me with girls
that have perkier boobs.

Luck ran into me one day when i was discussing with a friend. We haven’t met in
a long time because she lives abroad.

We were discussing something we read on Linda ikeji’s Blog.
And then we saw a picture of a lady with almost a flat boobs putting on an open
gown in a red carpet event.

You need to read the comments on the page. insulting the lady. Calling her Old
mama Youngy with slippers breasts.

If you are a regular on Kullove’s Blog you must have come across this
comments alot.

After we finished laughing she said funny enough ehn there is one cream one of
my friend who is a Chinese gave me.

It strengthens the skin on the Boobs and makes it thicker and firmer thereby
raising the boobs.

I called her bluffs and said she was lying, She too wasn’t even sure cause her
boobs are perky.

So she gave me the 2 tubes the Chinese woman gave her to use.

After careful reading of what it contains. I started to use it.

Now i would tell you what really happened.

after using the first tube,The boobs appeared fuller. but they where facing the

So now it looked like i have bigger and thicker boobs but they are looking at
my slippers.

By the end of the second tube. my boobs where perkier and sexier that even
hubby asked if i was pregnant again.

I wanted to continue the usage but i couldn’t find it again. I searched as many
international website as i can but couldn’t get it again.

Till sometime last year i accidentally saw the cup again with somebody i asked
where she bought from. she said her hubby bought it from a friend.

To cut long story short.

I was introduced to the seller and she told me how she buys them from China and
resell here in Naija. But she travels directly to buy it.

I got 2 tubes again from her to use but this time the results wasn’t that
noticeable anymore,
The company rep then told me that what the cream does is to get rid of saggy
boobs.and also make them look fresher, more perky and irresistible.

Which means your boobs won’t be pointing at the floor again. they would look
firmer and fuller.

So i decided to write you this Message and let you know that if you are okay with
a firmer and more perkier boobs without surgery and any side effect I have a
very good solution.

This solution doesn’t automatically make your breast looks like you are 18 year
But it would result to a better looking breast.

Here Are The Pictures Of This Cream Below

So here is my main aim of writing this message..

We brought in 10 Pieces of this product.

Yes we have Only 10 pieces of this magic Get Rid Of Saggy boobs cream right now
with us, We didn’t bring in much because we aren’t sure how many would buy it.

So here is what i am planning on doing.

I would sell the first 10 we have right now to the first 10 people who place their

Then whenever the next order arrives. we would sell more to other people.

And due to low quantity available, it would be done on first come first serve.

So if you would love to lay on your hands on one of the available 10 pieces of
this Saggy Boobs cream.

Kindly Follow The Instructions Below.

This product is payment on delivery,
so be rest assured you would have the parcel in your hands before payments
would be made strictly First Come First Serve

One Tube is N11,500 and two tubes is
N16,500 only.

To Order Yours, : Follow The
instructions Below
Kindly Send a text message or call with the following Information To

So send a text message containing

Your full name
Phone number:
Email Address:
Full house or office address
How many Pieces You want:
State and city.
To 07010659454.

What is
the side effect of using this cream ?

Because one has to be careful with what they rub on their skins these days
especially on the boobs where cancer is most common.

One woman even went to the extent of asking me are you sure this product is not
an avenue of somebody using their own hands to go and buy cancer ?

Well i the truth is i understand the fear of all Nigerian women especially the
ones has educated as you.

Well calm down let me explain something to you.

Over the years several inventions has been created to battle the saggy boobs
issue Most women have problems with.

The most popular and risk free method has been breast surgery and silicone.

But those options above had flaws,
first of all its pretty expensive
and i can bet no doctor can do it here in naija.
Secondly Its artificial there are instances where not so good doctors
performs a surgery and there are errors.
Sometimes the implants explodes and puts the life of the person in serious

So that was what led to the invention of the Beacur Breast enhancement cream.

The creators wanted a harmless way to raise your boobs and make them look
sexy, appealing and irresistible to hubby.

 You simply rub it on your boobs in the morning after showering and about
to go out and before bed.

It works in a way that it shrinks the skin around boobs, Thereby tightening it.

And you know the more you tie a bag the more robust and standing the bag is.

So basically what it does is to shrink the skins around the boobs thereby
leaving way more better results.

I am a testimony of this cream and if you had known me before, you would know i
don’t recommend things i haven’t used .

So IF this cream works so well.

What are the side effects ?

This cream doesn’t have any side effect.
Not Cancer,
No bleaching the skin.
Won’t affect you later in life.

But what it would do is to.

Make your breasts cuter and firmer.

Builds back your self esteem so you can put on the clothes you like.

You can now stand in front of the mirror and finally appreciate how your body

These and many more you would benefit from using the Beacur Breast Enhancement

The first and only cream In Naija dedicated to helping you achieving the
boobs that would get hubby drooling on you.

Doesn’t matter your age. 15-60 you can still use it and you would get crazy results

The Beacuir Cream is the first of its kind cream that was created to help
solve the embarrassing problems of having a Sleeping or Small Boobs.

To Get Your Own Kindly Follow The
Instructions Below.

This product is payment on delivery,
so be rest assured you would have the parcel in your hands before payments
would be made strictly First Come First Serve

One Tube is N11,500 and two tubes is
N16,500 only.

To Order Yours, : Follow The
instructions Below
Kindly Send a text message or call with the following Information To

So send a text message containing

Your full name
Phone number:
Email Address:
Full house or office address
How many Pieces You want:
State and city.
To 07010659454.

the really sad and painful things about Having a saggy or flat boobs are:

You hardly hardly feel comfortable about yourself if you are not putting on
a bra.

Pulling of clothes in front of hubby or your man is a major problem because
its not sexy with your Boobs dangling from one end to the other.

Going to the pool or beach becomes a major problem.

And if you are young girl you become the major topic with your friends. With
your Boobs been the center of attraction.

But What if i give you a guarantee now that you can finally tell that
Sleeping Boobs goodbye finally.

No this is not a joke.

This Beacuir ccream was created for women who has Sleeping Boobs And want to
raise it again.

Especially BOBBI with stretch marks this cream works magic on It and i am a
living testimony.

All you just need to do is apply the cream on your Boobs  morning and night then support It With
silicone when you are busy and give me your testimony within a month.

You don’t need to get surgery to get a perfect and well rounded Boobs.

The Beacuir Cream solves a major problem and you would end up thanking me
for showing you this cream.

If you would love to have a healthy looking Boobs. Smooth and not facing the
floor without the use of silicon bra.

Then the Beacuir cream is the ultimate solution you are looking for, because
it comes with no side effects.

The Beacuir cream is the closest solution You can get to helping You lift
your Boobs and keeping it smooth without all the stretchmarks wahala Aside from

NOTE: You Are Guaranteed this product
won’t cause any form of cancer because we are also looking out for our clients
and would never do or sell anything that would put them at risk or cause

100% No side Effects.

To place your order of this one in
town Beacur cream simply follow the instructions below.

This product is payment on delivery,
so be rest assured
you would have the parcel in your hands before payments would be made strictly
First Come First Serve

One Tube is N11,500 and two tubes is
N16,500 only.

To Order Yours, : Follow The
instructions Below
Kindly Send a text message or call with the following Information To

So send a text message containing

Your full name
Phone number:
Email Address:
Full house or office address

How many Pieces You want:
State and city.
To 07010659454.

And in 5-7 days you would have your
own cream to start getting rid of that embarrassing Small Sleeping Boobs And
stretch mark.

Warning: Please as this product
is payment on delivery. We always plead and advise that you should ensure you
would be around to pick up the item because
it cost us serious money to send this item via courier to you and when you fail
to pick it up.It affects us badly which won’t be fair.

So what are you waiting for ?
For me my marriage became more exciting the
moment i started adjusting something’s and started making move to look younger
and still retain what hubby saw in me that made him marry me.

I didn’t want any child ruining my marriage as i didn’t ruin anybody’s own.

So i am wondering what you are doing reading to this extent instead of placing that
order now to start looking younger and youthful.

Hoping to see your order soon.

Oya ooo Story Has Finished.
Go and place your order

Mrs Mercy Owie.


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