Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lagos Pinball: Are you up for the challenge?

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The typical day in the life of an average Lagosian is like a pinball machine – it is filled with one challenge after the other, moving through the day like bouncing through slingshots and bumpers in a machine.To get high points, you need a clear strategy on how to avoid the challenges of the daily Lagos life and be at your best every day.

Here’s our simple solution: BREAKFAST!

It is after all the most important meal of the day!
Now having breakfast is one thing, having a complete breakfast is a totally different story. We all have our preferred breakfast option, from sandwiches to croissants to biscuits or our very own “ABburger” (Akara and Bread), but what truly makes a complete breakfast?

Did we hear someone say fruits? Well, studies show that fruits are essential to give your body the vitamins and nutrients it needs to perform at its best throughout the day.

So fruits + breakfast = 100% Perfect day.

Fruit juices like Chivita 100%, made from real natural fruits give you the best supply of vitamins and nutrient that can be gotten from your fresh fruits.

Now that we are clear on what it is to have a complete breakfast, we thought we would help you remember this by starting the #BreakfastwithChivita100% movement. We invite you to join the movement, because after all, you are at your best with a complete breakfast. Now, that’s something worth trending!

With you on the breakfast table are your beloved stars, one thing we can all agree on is that these guys know that to remain at 100% performance you need to have your Breakfast with Chivita 100%.#BreakfastwithChivita100% is just our little way of providing you with that extra motivation to always have breakfast complete with Chivita 100% daily, as you make your way toward overcoming the many challenges of Lagos pinball.

So head over to the kitchen, whip up something amazing to eat this morning, grab a pack of Chivita 100% Fruit Juice, take a selfie of you and your breakfast meal with your Chivita 100% fruit juice and join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #BreakfastwithChivita100%, and while you see the improvement in your daily activities you just might get a surprise from us.


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