The self-proclaimed sex addict appeared completely ignorant of the malfunction, which appeared to be the result of a broken Zipper, as he was seen in a suit for a night of partying in the French Riviera.
Lord Disick was a single man out on the town without his latest fling, 19-year-old actress Bella Thorne.
The 34-year-old ex of Kourtney Kardashian hit the nightlife in France wearing a grey suit with his white shirt unbuttoned underneath. He held a cigarette as he made his way around town with a bodyguard and a pal.
Proving that he'll always have himself to love, he wore a pair of red velvet smoking shoes that were embroidered with his nickname Lord Disick.
His fly appeared to be unzipped as he left Baoli nightclub and his pants had a stain on the right knee.
Bella was seen leaving the villa that they were sharing together after their PDA-fest on Wednesday.
She wore a tiara with an eye-catching silver dress and looked like she was on her way to an event with her sister Dani.
It is unclear where she ended up but she was not seen with Scott as he had a night out on the town.
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