There was a time when women disposed of their placenta immediately after
birth. Now, people are getting creative and doing all sorts with it.
From the Kardashians who dry and encapsulate their placenta to take as
drugs, to mothers who store them in the freezer for their kids to see
when they grow, we’ve heard all sorts and it just gets more bizarre by
the day.
Just recently, a new mom cooked her placenta, which had
been kept frozen since her child was born, and she shared the process
online. Elsie App, 26, is a certified placenta encapsulator, a
qualification she got after completing a certificate in blood-borne
pathogens, so to show people alternative uses for the placenta, which
they say is highly nutritious, she detailed how to cook the placenta.
“Yep, this is exactly what it looks like first step is to rinse away the blood…. ” she captioned one of the photos.
there are different ways to prepare the placenta. There is the
traditional Chinese method which involves steaming the placenta, drying
it, then grinding it into a powder which is then put in a capsule to be
swallowed as a drug. It was this method that Elsie used. In a different
photo, the mother-of-two gave her reason for steaming the after-birth
and explained what she intends to do with it afterward.
going to ground it up into powder form to get the hang of all my
equipment and I’ll encapsulate a couple for practise but the remainder
of the powder will be buried in our yard under a tree,” she explained on
Though Elsie, who lives
in the Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia, encapsulates other women’s
placenta for them to consume as drugs, she did not consume that of her
first child and she will also not consume this second one, because,
according to her, she has a liver condition.
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