Charles Pask, 37, was approved for weight loss surgery on the NHS but declined because his "passion for food and cooking would be taken away forever". The 37-year-old was 33 stone and 7.5lbs and had a BMI almost three times over what it should be.
But when a friend of the Leicester accountant was diagnosed with cancer in 2016, Charles said he promised her he would shift his weight once and for all.
He said: "I had wanted to do something about my weight for many years but I was lazy and I was getting away with it health wise. "But I began seeing signs of my body giving in.
"I woke up one night and when I stood up I heard a crunching sound in my knees. "This was really scary and it turned out I have crepitus which meant my weight had softened my kneecaps.
"I was also wearing 8XL shirts and 66” waist jeans and was struggling to find clothes to buy and get in and out of my car.
"When my friend was diagnosed with cancer in April 2016 I said that I would join Slimming World if she fought the cancer."
There were also many things he could not do due to his weight including fitting in a football ground seat, a plane seat and even in the bath.
But in just 15 months Charles has managed to turn his life around, with the help of his girlfriend and Slimming World and has dropped six clothes sizes and an incredible 28 inches from his waist.
As a child my parents would take me and my brothers to support Leicester Tigers regularly, and it’s a nice thought that someday I could have my own season tickets and be able to take my family to watch them.
"I always wanted an Audi S3 or Ford Focus RS as a car but I was too big and it never seemed possible but perhaps someday that can be reality.
"If not I will certainly do one of those sports car track days experiences.
"I’d love to write a cookbook too for low fat healthy dishes that can be made at home with everyday ingredients"
He also has advice for others embarking on their weight loss journeys.
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