Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Photographer Calls Out Tonto Dikeh For Not Giving Credit In Christmas Photoshoot

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Charliel photography has called out actress Tonto Dikeh for removing their water mark from the  Christmas photos she took with them. She has since blocked the photographer on Instagram.
See it below;
Saturday noon, vugo called and tonto was on the other end saying the price is too much as she can only pay 50,000 for a full day shoot, now get me correctly, We are pricy, we know what we are doing,anyone who has used our services in the past will tell you this ,so we needed tonto to know that this wasnt about her been a celebrity! She kept arguing about paying 100,000,Finally vugo paid 40,000 Saturday night and balanced 60,000 24th dec.

We did our part and delivered the images, then @vugo24 and @tontolet requested we remove our watermarks from the images, we clearly told her it was impossible as it was our intellectual property and rights,as this request wasnt stated from the onset, You wont go to a Gucci shop and ask the company to remove their trademarks because you paid for it (as tonto claimed in her sms that she already paid for the services) so what?? She then had the nerves to go re-edit the images by removing our watermarks.

@tontolet I've lost all the respect i had for you as a human being,as you claim to empower and encourage young people and their enterprises but you LIE, you are FAKE, and you have disrespected a CREATIVE,I WILL BE NICE TO POST THE UNEDITED IMAGES WITH ALL YOUR FLAWS. SHAME ON YOU @TONTOLET. You may have been doing this to other creatives but dont ever try this with a professional! Your LEAN 100K WASNT WORTH STEALING OUR RIGHTS

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