Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Pretty Mike Continues His Campaign Against Butt Enlargement... Read Part 2

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Lol, Pretty Mike just dropped the part 2 od his butt enlargement brouhaha. He dropped it minutes ago on IG with these 'dapper looking photos...

Part 2 Butt enlargement: 70% of women in the industry have had something done to their ass or breast,it has become the everyday norm and already becoming part of our culture and tradition...we have seen many done perfectly and some done horribly,all in all it’s a major source of wahala in this country.....Pls be4 I get into this Tea, I’m not here trying to scatter any table,rather I want people to be more enlightened about these procedures and for those who have done it,to Be Proud and feel free to talk about it Openly,names such as #DabotaLawason #KikaGoodhair #PreciousThelma #Fancyefen #Carolinedanjuma #RukkySanda #AjayGlam(ajoke) who I applaud for hers done perfectly well👏

#OgeOkoye #ChikaIke #Orisaronke #MoniqueSamuel #adunola #iyaboojo #Beckyoguma(not confirmed) popular Gambian #princesshyngle😍, #Ceosayavethinteriors #dqnaomi and even #Romangoddess (Abeg what and what did she even do sef) Some of them which have been perfectly done and some who need one or more visit to their surgeon,it’s arguable if Indeed #IniEdo has had anytin done to her ass which looks naturally shaped with an unbelievable flat tummy, #tontodike even announced recently she is having a second surgery,the gist out there is #toke second hips was also not perfectly constructed.Some of these ladies have come out with the truth of the works done on their body while some still hide behind slim tea and gym work😂 Most married women are under the pressure to go under the knife to regain their confidence mostly those who have had children and some married women who are intimated by the figures of these SlayMamas,also do it to keep their husbands in check...Recently Ladies are out here asking their Zaddys,husband or bf for new BumBum like they are asking for new bags or shoes and for those who don’t have anybody to task are saving up theirs last penny just to get this new assets,most of our slim ladies should not feel left out and start saving up their BodyFats this Christmas,eat that pounded yam at 1am😂...IG will not permit me to cont,Part 3 Loading which will have over 100 names,Including popular College students,Yoruba actresses and IG slay mamas. #YourButtEnlargementAdvocate🙈 #FendiDrip 💦

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