Saturday, February 15, 2020

Pregnant woman finds her friend's husband in antenatal ward with another woman

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A woman may be forced to tell her best friend she believes her husband is cheating after spotting him on a antenatal ward with a pregnant woman.

The mum-to-be was at the hospital for an appointment when she noticed her pal's partner with a "visibly pregnant young lady" and said the pair were acting like a couple.

She was completely shocked and has no idea how to break the news to her friend, so took to the parenting website Mumsnet for advice.

Under the title 'seeing friend's darling husband at anti natal with other woman', she wrote: "Just returned from my Anti natal apt. While waiting in the room I saw one of my oldest friends DH [Dear Husband] with a young lady!!
"She was [visibly] pregnant. By their actions they were def a couple! They were sitting in a far corner and it was only when I went to get a drink that I noticed them.

"They didn’t notice me. My DF [Dear Friend] and her DH are still together. My DF moved to DH village about 3 years ago when they met and married. He wasn’t from this village originally. She adores him. How do I tell her? What would you do?

"I was shocked when I saw him and I regret not speaking to him now."

The post received over 250 comments and whilst some women said it might not look as it seems, many others were urging her to tell her friend as soon as possible.

One Mumsnet user replied: "You need to tell her but there is every chance she won’t believe you.

He’ll probably lie through his teeth and say you were seeing things or it was someone else..."

Another said: "Yes you need to speak to her ASAP. Gently ask her if they have separated and tell her what you saw."

And a few others suggested confronting the husband first. One said: "You need to speak to him. Tell him he tells his wife or you will."

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