But wait o, that's N460m? Mad ooo Lol... More reactions below...
''Just! Just! Just! 😡N460,000,000 Just! Just! This is why I don’t like wearing fake watches, see the original now. And some fools will be claiming with the 100k own and my ear no go rest and they will be pouring my champagne on the fake watch.
''And one instagram vendor call this one 15k o.. chai
''3 lambos on ur wrist cheee!!
''$1m just, Lord pick up my call😂
''Today’s exchange rate 465mill. This life no fit balance 😂
''Just $1m you are kidding me right
'Yo I have a business venture for you can I borrow that right quick I swear I’ll bring it back
''Just 😊 ?
''He said JUST for $1m even the $1 self I no get 😩😩😂😂
''Woah 1 milli
''You the real plug ❤️
''Just $1million thats wat am praying for''
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