Sxually transmitted infections are a spectrum of medical conditions that are acquired exclusively via an intimate and unprotected sxual activity with an infected partner. Examples of STIs include; gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital herpes etc. One of the reasons why STIs are spreading fast is because most partners are ignorant of vital signs that indicate the presence of an infection in their partner.
Currently, STIs are among the commonest medical condition affecting men and women in thereproductive age group. It is therefore important that as individuals, we become aware of common symptoms and signs of sxually transmitted diseases because it will aid in early self-diagnosis, identifying when a partner has STI and prompting early diagnosis and treatment. So what are the signs that suggest a partner may have been infected?
1. Pain during urination
This is usually a common symptom of sxually transmitted infections, caused by the ascension of bacteria from the reproductive organs into the bladder. This causes intense irritation of the inner lining of the bladder by toxins produced by the bacteria. This translates to intense burning sensation and pain during urination. When your partner complains of pain during urination or you notice it yourself, you may advise him or her to go for a test.
2. Discharge from the vagina or the joystick
This is another important way to know if your partner has STI. It is common with gonorrhea infection in men which lead to a creamy white discharge from the joystick with associated itching and intense pain on urination. If your partner complains or you notice any discharge from the vagina or the joystick, then it is a solid pointer that he/she has STI.
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