Baby, it worked!
My girlfriend was screaming and running to my direction.
It worked!
She ran to me with all smiles. She was breathing heavily, trying
to catch her breathe. She ran all the way from the student affairs
block A to block C where students of Engineering faculty were
gathered up, waiting for NYSC call-up letters.
“Lasgidi things!” She screamed as she hugged me.
I was happy for her. This has been her dream, to serve at Lagos
state. She was so excited that she started doing some etighi
dance steps. Every student lined up for callup was staring,
laughing and clapping for her.
“Why haven’t they giving you people yet?”, she asked.
I wish I had the answer to that. The old man attending to
students from my faculty was so dull and lazy. It takes him
closely 12 minutes to attend to a student.
“Clearance form”, he will ask after he must have called your
name. Then he will take 4 minutes comparing the names at the
computer sheet with that in your clearance form, adjusting his
big spectacles in the process.
“Photocopies”, he will ask again as he takes more time to
scrutinize the duplicate of your statement of result.
“I.D card. . .”
It was so annoying watching him spend eternity before giving
you the call-up.
I don’t know why they won’t employ young, virile and smart
young graduates to do some of these works. We complain of
unemployment while the old men keep adjusting their ages to
remain in public service. That man could be old enough to be my
grand dad.
“Mechanical and Production Engineering!”
The old man shouted, beckoning on those that graduated from
the department of mechanial engineering to come closer.
He was in charge of faculty of Engineering and Technology, and
started in alphabetical order. After enduring the wait for Agric
Engr., Biotechnology, Chemical engr and so on, it has finally
gotten to my department.
I was restless, the sun had beaten me for six straight hours,
amidst the tugging and pushing.
“Don’t worry, it will work out, same way mine did”.
My girl had an uncle who she said worked at NYSC office at
Abuja. It was her idea for us both to serve in the same place, her
choice was Lagos state. She had everything worked out; her
uncle will help us get posted to Lagos state, her auntie at Adax
petroleum will get us a company letter head requesting for our
service, and just like that, we both will be working at Adax
It was a great idea, only that I wasn’t that enthusiastic about
Nysc. It wasn’t like this last year, not until I discovered I had an
outstanding that was going to cost me an extra year.
It would have been wonderful if I was preparing for this service
the previous year, when I ought to have graduated. My friends
had all gone for service the previous year, people I was brighter
than and smarter than. We were all looking forward to the service
thing before I learnt of my extra year. It devastated me!
I was one of the best in my department. My colleagues respected
me and even consult me for inputs on assignments. A semester
to go and I had no outstanding or spill over courses. I just had to
finish up with the remaining five courses and my project. One
thing was worrying me, my CGPA stood at 3.42, I needed a solid
3.5 to make a dream 2-1 so I could increase my chances at the
labor market: that was where desperation entered, and that was
how I earned myself an extra year at school.
I had known my H.O.D’s daughter for sometime now. She lives
with her dad and comes to work with him every morning, after
dropping the dad’s bag, she heads off to her department. She
was like a personal assistant to the dad, types his letters, reads
and replies his mails. The few times I was at my H.O.D’s office, I
see her typing some documents or grading papers. We were just
acquaintances, nothing more, at least, as at then.
I made strategic plans on how to improve my CGPA, I didn’t dare
join the crowd having 2-2, I thought, rather wrongly, that a 2-2
was a disadvantage and that a 2-1 will give me an advantage
over my colleagues at the labor market. My first strategy was to
study harder, quit some of my extra curricula activities and focus
more on my studies. I tried this for most part of that last
semester, but it didn’t seem to be working. Most of my test
scores came back within the same average mark. To crown it all,
my H.O.D was handling two courses, with each one having 3
credit load. I has having difficulties grasping the course, so was
all my other course mates. Those courses where the undoing of
many previous students.
I didn’t just want to pass those courses, I wanted to boost my
CGPA, that’s where desperation set in; I wanted a shut cut to
that, that’s where my H.O.D’s daughter came into the picture,
and that’s where my dilemma started.
Standing on a hot friday sun that afternoon, I recounted the bitter
ordeal my sexcapade with my H.O.D’s daughter landed me into
I attended a singles program organized by Dominion City campus
fellowship at school. I wanted to go with my girlfriend Rita, but
she had slight fever, coupled with headache and stomach ache.
That was the normal three signs that comes with her menstrual
period. Any time she says she had fever, headache and stomach
ache, it means she’s on her period. So I went for the program
alone. It wasn’t long before I saw Cassey, my H.O.D’s daughter
standing at a corner with a friend of hers. I walked up to her and
said hi.
“Is your dad hiding somewhere waiting for the program to end so
he can bundle you home?”, I asked jokingly.
“No”. She answered, rather too serious. Obviously she didn’t see
the sarcasm in my question.
“I came alone”, she continued, “but my friend had to come bail
me out, that’s the only reason he will let me leave the house this
evening. She introduced me to her friend who she called
Katherine, “kathy for short”, the friend said as I shook her hand.
Kathy was prettier and more endowed.
She was the kind of girl that any guy would love to have as a
girlfriend, full bosoms, round hips, eyes that you could fall easily
for. But I wasn’t gunning for a girlfriend, I wanted my H.O.D’s
daughter for obvious reasons, I needed some favors to boost my
“So, why are you guys still hanging outside”. I asked, not
knowing what else to say.
“The show is about to start, the guest performers are still arriving
and the technical crew are still working on the lights”, kathy had
answered. Seems she had first hand info on what’s going on.
“Kathy is one of the organizers of the show”, Cassey informed
“You attend dominion city?”, I asked her.
“Yea”, she replied.
Wow, dominion city girls were tagged as the most difficult girls to
score on campus. They had a reputation for keeping guys
waiting; waiting for s*x for like eternity. First, you have to be a
member before they consider going out with you. If you ever
asked them out, the first condition is that you ‘must’ start
attending their fellowship; church, midweek service, bible
meeting, cell fellowship and so on.
I had a friend who has been going for a dominion city girl since
our sophomore year at school, this is final year and the only
thing my guy has gotten so far was a kiss (more like a perk), a
hug and few calls. Its just not worth it.
The next difficult set of girls on campus were the Jehovah
witness fellowship girls. Those ones only date their ‘brothers’
and its not an option. Its just a no go area.
We did summarized that the easiest girls to get on campus was
the Catholic students, followed closely by the Believers Love
Word (Christ Embassy). This is apart from the normal loose girls
that are not fully devoted and with them, anything goes.
“Let me go and attend to some things, you guys can come in
whenever you want”, kathy said as she walked away from us.
I was left alone with cassey. We talked for some time, mostly
about school activities, lectures and more. Soon, she requested
that we go in.
The hall was filled to its capacity. The turnout was so large that
an over-flow had to be improvised for some students. I and
cassey walked into the hall like a couple, we were ushered into
the front row, seated beside each other. Kathy was busy with
organization, so I sat alone with cassey.
The program was quite interesting. The speakers focused on how
to keep a healthy relationship, devoid of sin and other
negativities. Their definition of relationship was boring and
uninteresting to me. I kept wondering how two people in a
relationship could stay away from s*x. It sounded alien to me.
Cassey started being uncomfortable, especially when the issue of
distance relationship was discoursed. The anchor of the program
called for inputs on the topic and some students were making
inputs on how unrealistic and frustrating distant relationships
could be. I couldn’t agree more. I noticed that cassey was fixated
at that particular section of the program.
Soon, after glancing at her watch for a long time, cassey
informed me that she needed to go.
“Its getting late, and I promised my dad I was going to come back
before now”. She informed me.
“I have to find kathy and inform her”.
We left the program, walking side by side like couples. Kathy
sighted us and followed suit. Cassey informed her that she was
going and she apologized for not being able to take her home as
“Don’t worry”, I said, “I will take her home”.
We bordered a tricycle ‘keke’ to her house, and inside the ride,
we where having a talk on the topics discussed at the program.
We didn’t agree on most of the points, she kept referring to how
callous the students were in their bid to down talk distant
relationship. Cassey was very brilliant, an admirable quality
when it comes to girls. Its hard to see a girl that can argue
effectively and drive down their points these days. What you see
is blackberry waving chicks with little or nothing upstairs.
“Why don’t we continue this discussion later?”. I proposed as we
got down from the keke. It was really late and cassey was
desperate to get back home.
I walked her to her street and collected her number.
“I will call you tomorrow, maybe we can have dinner or
something”. I said cassually.
” Make it a day after tomorrow”. She said, “I will be busy with a
whole lot of things tomorrow”.
Two days later, I called her and fixed a date.
She came for the date wearing a whole new look. She did a new
hair, and for the first time, I noticed she was wearing a make-up.
She looked astonishing with her new Ghana breads falling
loosely on her hips. She was wearing a silk evening gown, which
did little to concede the top of her bosoms.
I took her to crunchies restaurant and we settled on one of the
seats upstairs.
“You look great”, I had to confess. I took it as a casual date, so I
didn’t border dressing for the occasion. I wore a plain trousers
with a shirt and slippers. I felt under-dressed for the occasion,
but went for it anyway.
“And your new hairs style is awesome”.
“Thanks”, she replied. “I used the entire yesterday for the hair.
Can’t believe I sat down for an entire 7 hours”.
“It takes we guys 7 minutes to barb our hair, and a lot cheaper”. I
joked and she smiled.
“You guys are lucky”. She added.
We took our seats, gisted lightly for a while, then asked what she
was taking. I went downstairs and ordered for my favorite,
crunchies moi moi and sallad with beef. I ordered white rice and
mushroom sauce for her with a 250 ml hollandia yogurt.
“I will like to know somethings about you”, I informed her after
the dinner.
“Like what”, she asked.
“Firstly, how do you manage to live with your dad”.
The question took her aback and I wished I did not ask.
“My dad is a strict disciplinarian”, she informed me and
“My elder siblings had to school elsewhere because of him. None
of them wanted to suffer the same fate I’m suffering now, so they
chose other universities”.
“Living in our family house is not easy”, she continued, “it can be
best compared to living in a very comfortable prison house”.
Wow, I didn’t know it was that bad.
“It can’t be that bad”, I had to voice out my opinion.
“It is!” She exclaimed, “it could get worse”. She continued.
“They monitor me like I’m a time bomb. They want to know
where I am, who I am with, what I am doing at all times”.
“So, do they know you are here with me?”, I asked, rather
“Of course not. Do you think they would approve of me to be
hanging out with you this night?”, she asked me.
“Kathy was aware of this outing, so she was the one that came to
the house to ask my parents to let me hang out with her for a
So she was really looking forward to this outing. Somehow, I felt
she wore her new look to impress me.
“You really look great”, I tried patronizing her again.
“Thanks”, she blushed.
“Now tell me about your personal life”, I asked genuinely.
Inasmuch as I had ulterior motives with her, I found myself
genuinely interested in what she had to say.
“Well, that’s a third date kind of question”, she winked at me.
Smart girl!
I had to make this particular date interesting. I wasn’t planning
on taking her out everyday in order to win her heart, although
she wouldn’t mind that, she must be bored to death staying in
her family house.
“Do you attend dominion city?”, I knew the answer to that, but I
had to ask to keep the conversation going. I already knew her
dad was a member of the Anglican communion.
“No”, she replied. “I’m anglican. Kathy invited me for the
program. She said it was going to be educating and fun”.
“it was, except for some things which I don’t quite agree with”.
She said.
“Like what?”
“The talk show, distance relationships. I didn’t agree with most of
what the participants where saying”.
“So what’s your opinion?”, I asked.
“Distance relationships are great. They can really work out if the
two involved are willing to make it work. Two cannot work
together unless they agree. It will take commitment, trust and
fidelity, but it sure does work”.
I didn’t need a prophet to tell me she was into a distance
relationship. I had to trade carefully.
“Well, the definition of relationship stems from the word ‘relate’”, I
added, “so there’s no relationship if you both are not there to
She stared at me for a while and remained calm, so I continued.
“Relationship is like a seed planted, and it succeeds in
germinating. At its tender age, it can’t survive on its own, you
need to be there to nurse it, prone it, weed it and water it for it to
stand firm. If not, its going to turn to a weed and grow wide, or
worse still, die off”.
I really got her attention. It was obvious with the look on her
eyes that she was trying hard to relate what I was saying to her
personal life.
I informed cassey that it was time to go. She asked where we
were going, and somehow, without having the intention, I blurted
out, “my room”.
I expected her to turn down the request and call it a 20th date
stuff or something like that.
“Where do you stay”, she asked.
“Palmville”. I answered.
“Alright”, she stood up and we walked out. . .
–Oh my gooossshhh— I thought to myself.
I took cassey to my room off camp. My girlfriend lives alone in
Grace lodge, a more expensive lodge filled with ajebota children.
I lived in palmville, with my friend and room mate samuel.
The lodge was much cheaper and affordable. It had all the things
an average student would need; a self contained room (with no
wardrobe), a bathroom (with no shower), a kitchen (with no tile
and sink).
My room mate was watching a movie with a neighbor when we
arrived. I didn’t inform him I was bringing back a girl as was our
normal rite. We did this to keep things in order, the simple rule
was this; no girl spends more than one night!
And we kept to this rule. Some girls had a bad habit of trying to
squat with you when you start something going. They start by
forgetting a slippers in your house, then its a cloth, then their
soap dish, and before you can say ‘jack’, your bathroom is filled
with pants and bras of assorted colors.
It wasn’t a problem for me keeping the rule. I had a girlfriend who
was living alone. She barely spends the night as I was the one
spending nights at her place. I use my own room anytime I pick
up a stray chick.
I didn’t pre-inform my roommate because it wasn’t my original
intention to bring cassey back to my room. It was a first outing,
inasmuch as I wanted to taste her inside and feel how warm it
was, that was a planned end game. I wanted her to have the
impression that I was really into her. So when I ask any favor as
regards her dad’s courses, she wouldn’t hesitate.
But after the dinner that evening, I just suggested we head to my
room and was rather surprised that she obliged.
It was getting late already as we entered my room. The room was
dark, with only the light from the tv illuminating it. I sat at the bed
with her after introducing her to my roomie and neighbor. We
watched the movie showing on tv, my roomie and the neighbor
was sitting at the front, while I was perched on the wall at the
back with cassey. I gently placed my hand on her laps and
starting caressing them. She shifted uncomfortably but never
tried removing my hand, so I kept rubbing them.
My neighbor must have noticed what was going on as he left, but
my rommie kept fixated at the tv. I have heard him talk about the
movie – One three Hill – and how interesting it was. He was
watching the second season of the movie and couldn’t bat an
eyelid. Cassey pulled away from me lightly, bent her hips and
lied down, her head on my laps. Like an involuntary reaction, I
started cuddling her bosom. I slip a hand inside her cloth and
reached for the Tip, I teased it a bit, but my hand didn’t get the
freedom it needed to explore those soft round and firm b’r’ea’st. I
pulled out my hand, picked my phone and sent a text to my
“I will burst your head if you don’t leave this room now; yours
His phone alerted him of an sms but he ignored it. Cassey turned
away from the tv and faced my stomach, still lying on my laps. I
could feel her breath on my stomach.
-This boy should leave this room nau!!-
I reached out and picked his phone which was on the desk and
threw it at him, making sure it hit his back painfully. He yelled,
paused the movie, grasped the phone and read the message. He
couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
He moved into the bathroom, came out few seconds later and left
the room.
A text message entered my phone and I checked it. It was from
my roomie;
“I will castrate you if you don’t round up in the next 30 minutes:
yours faithfully.
I smiled and dropped the phone as I started romancing the back
of cassey. I reached for her back zip and drew it down, moved
the cloth’s hand down her shoulders and kissed the top of her
b’r’e’a’st. My d’I’kk was swelling up fully and cassey’s head on
my laps made me uncomfortable. I moved his head slightly and
left it to rest on the bed. I kneeled and kissed him lightly on the
lips. I kissed again, and this time around, she curled her hands
around my head and held me tight as we both kissed each other
passionately. We continued the kissing as I traced my hands to
the hook of her bra, and in one swift attempt, I unhooked her and
standing in front of me where two sets of perfectly round and firm
bosom. The ni’ppl’e’s were pointed perpendicular to the chest. I
reached out for them, cupped them in my hands and started
sucking them. I sucked and teased from one n’I’ip’ll’e to the other
while she wiggle her waist slowly.
My d’i-kk was clamoring for some action. I could feel its bulge
inside my trousers. Enough of this pre-intimacy, time for some
action. I reached down for her cloth from the knee, pulled it
upwards, caressed her laps slowly and reached for her pants. . .
She hut my hands as they were roaming freely on her laps. She
pulled out my hands gently and covered her laps with her cloth.
“Not today”, she said calmly.
I ignored her comment and continued handling her b’r’eas’t,
teasing the nip-p’les with my tongue. I reached for the laps once
more and she still pulled my hands out.
I had to stop the pre-intimacy. My d’I’kk had a funny way of
misbehaving anytime it is excited for action and made to wait for
a long time. It gets angry and shrinks down. It will only take a
divine intervention amidst much pleas for it to get interested
“Are you not comfortable with this?”, I asked as I pulled away
from her.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t, not now, not today. I have already broken
so many personal rules coming down here with you today”. She
I didn’t want to persuade her. Experience has taught me that
patience is a great virtue while dealing with girls, especially the
much acclaimed strict ones.
As long as I have felt and touched the promise land, I was sure
going to inhabit it.
She dressed up, lay on my laps for a few more minutes while I
stroke her clothed b’r’e*ast and tommy.
She announced she was going home, and I saw her off. She held
my hands as we walked out of palmville. Beneath the lodge gate
was a dark alley. We halted their for a while, she drew me
towards her, looked into my eyes and said,
“You seem like a gentle man, I am really attracted to you in a
way I can’t understand”.
-Please don’t tell me you’re in love-
She continued, “I’m in a relationship now, its somehow
complicated. I just need some time to sort myself out”.
She kissed my deeply and I new for sure she had deep affection
for me.
This was going to complicate things. I intended using her as a
pawn in a chess board. This pawn has to capture the opponents
king, not to fall in love with it.
The days that followed my little romance with cassey were
Cassey started calling me every other hour, she made sure she
sees me in the morning when she brings her dads bags to the
office, and comes to check on me after lectures. At times when
she’s not going with the dad, she would wait on me till we were
done with lectures, then we would go home together.
My friends noticed this new development, but I talked it down,
telling them I was just being friendly. I didn’t have a very close
relationship with rita my girlfriend. We do the normal hanging
out, calls and s*x. We give each other the desired space, this
space was gradually being filled by cassey, and I was enjoying it.
She was very lively to be around with, we flowed in different
intellectual levels.
“How come you are yet to invite me to your house again after the
last time”, she had asked me once after lecture, while we were
cooling off at the coke centre in her block.
She had made a truthful observation. I started developing a
certain fondness for cassey. She was so sweet and innocent and
I was having second thoughts about using her as a means to
boost my CGPA. I didn’t know how she will feel when she finds
out I had ulterior motives.
“Nothing”, I lied, “just that I don’t know if we are at the same
pace here. You said you were into a complicated relationship, so
I didn’t want to add to the complications”.
“Aww, that’s sweet of you”, she said as she placed her hand on
top of mine at the table and caressed it lightly.
“You’re really a gentleman”. She continued.
“I’m into a long relationship”, she said.
– I knew it! –
“A very long one. He is studying at Ukraine”.
Now I didn’t anticipate that one. Ukraine? Wow! I had to hold
myself to let her finish.
“He is a son to the university Registrar, Prof Achumba”.
I’ve heard of the prof from Statistics department. I heard he is the
only prof of stats in the entire south east universities, a very
powerful man who lost out in being the V.C because of few links
the present V.C had with the present Minister of Education.
“We are close family friends with the Achumbas. My dad is a
close associate of the prof. It all started as a joke, until the family
ties made it official that Nedu was going to be my husband. We
were friends, but nothing more, until his parents started to joke
about me and nedu being fantastic together. That was when he
started making advances at me”.
She paused for sometime before continuing.
“He was studying Electrical Engineering here before traveling
out. I got my admission while he was in his second year. He
traveled out after the second year, so we had just a one year
relationship before he traveled”.
She finished her soft drink, leaned back on her chair before
“He kept in touch within his first year at ukraine. He sent gifts,
kept calling, mailing and stuffs. That was when his parents took
it to a new level, calling my parents ‘in-laws’ and calling me
their daughter in-law. Sometimes, I go to prof’s house to spend
some time, washing and cleaning the house. My parents were
nudging me in that direction, and I was innocently accepting it”.
-sounds more like a done deal to me-
I didn’t understand the complicated part she attached to the
relationship when she first told me about it, so I sat patiently for
her to continue.
She didn’t.
I finished my drink and waited for some few minutes before
“So what happened? Why is it complicated?”
“Few months ago, Nedu stopped calling frequently the way he
used to. First, he started changing numbers every time with
different state codes. He would call once in a long time, speak
hushly on the phone for a few minutes and ask me not to try and
contact him with the same number. Sometimes he calls me to
ask how his parents were doing! Meaning he hasn’t been calling
them. I demanded for explanation, but he kept waving it aside.
When I insisted, we had a hot argument over the phone and he
stopped calling”.
She paused again, glancing at empty space. Then continued.
“I knew something was wrong, I felt it. But nobody cared to
explain. I spoke with his parents, they claimed it was the stress
of studies, but I saw the look in his mom’s eyes when I tried to
get answers from her. She was almost in tears but tried to
compose herself. She insisted that Nedu was ok, that with time,
everything was going to be back to normal: it never did”.
she finished her story same way she started; cool, articulate and
“So. Why were you in defense of distant relationship when we
argued”, I asked.
“Well, you wrote it off totally like its a no go area. I still maintain
that it can work. If not for the obvious change in Nedu’s attitude,
we could still have worked things through”. She said, smiling at
“Now that you have cleared the air, can I take you home?”, I
“Of course”, she replied with a large grin. I could have sworn I
saw her wink on the process.
she held my hand as we walked out of coke centre and waited for
a bus going down to my area off camp.
I sent a text to my roomie;
“Stray girl alert: evacuate in 10 mins – yours truly.
I waited for a reply. He was supposed to reply to confirm he got
the message. We started exchanging those type of messages
after watching a documentary of world war 2 on history channel.
How the Belgium army was exchanging encrypted codes on open
frequency radios. Their enemies could intersect the messages,
but couldn’t de-code or decipher it.
Text alert on my phone:
“Coast clear: rules of engagement still active: yours faithfully”
Lol. . . My roomie was trying to remind me that our general rule
of girls spending the night still holds. I smiled.
“Why the smile?”, cassey asked.
“For once, I’m sincerely happy having you by my side”.
Its easier to lie than to explain what was going on in my mind.
What I planned doing to her once we get to my room. .
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