This is a continuation from yesterday’s posts-For The Married; How To Have A Better And Happier Marriage.
16. Don’t Over Promise; Keep your word. Breaking a promise can ruin the trust and unity your relationship is built on. It’s better to take time thinking about if you can realistically follow through before committing than to let your partner down when you drop the ball.
17. Camp Out; Don’t laugh at this, actually spend a night under the stars. Grab a blanket and stare at the night sky during a clear evening. You don’t even need to talk, just soaking in the beauty is an awesome bonding experience.
18. Share A Hobby; Discover a shared passion. Find an activity you both enjoy and participate in it together. Try hiking!
19. Start Monthly Movie Nights; Even in you have different tastes in genres, you can usually find a common ground. Find a spy film with a love story imbued or stuff like that.
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