Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Horror! See How this Man’s Face Got Blown Up After His E-Cigarette Exploded While He Was Smoking It

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A man who was only trying to have a nice time smoking his e-cigarettes has ended up suffering a really horrible misfortune in the process.

The man’s face was blown up

A man identified as Andrew Hall has lost seven teeth and suffered serious facial injuries when an e-cigarette exploded in his mouth at the weekend.

Andrew Hall from Idaho in the US, was inhaling from the device when the incident happened.

As well as losing several teeth, Hall was left with ‘chunks of plastic’ wedged into his face and second degree burns.

He revealed the extent of his injuries in a Facebook post.

Images show an extensive amount of damage to the bathroom, where Hall was vaping, including a smashed sink, blood-splattered tiles and fire damage on the walls.

Writing on social media, Hall urged fellow vapers to think twice before picking up their device.

He said: ‘I’ve been vaping for about a year now and assure you I did not do anything I wasn’t supposed to – but it exploded in my face.

‘I’ve lost at least 7 teeth, second degree burns to face and neck and have been pulling chunks of plastic, teeth and foreign objects from mouth, throat and lips.

‘I was lucky and they’re was a huge amount of damage to the room in my house I was in as well.

‘I know vapes help people quit smoking cigarettes and that’s amazing. I just want to bring to light this is possible that they can explode without warning.

‘I would have said “no way that’s possible” until now.’

Hall urges that the e-cigarette was in ‘full working order’ and that the battery was in correctly.

He added that he ‘always had the shop put it together’ and ‘looked after it the right way, while taking their advice.’

The remains of the e-cigarette on the floor

Hall said: ‘I never had any issues with over heating or concerns until the unfortunate happened.


‘Thank you again for everyone that has not said “this is fake” and actually know I’m real.


‘This really happened and I’m blessed this could have been so much worse.’

Since being uploaded, the post has been shared more than 330,000 times.

Hall remains in the Intensive Care Unit of a local hospital, where he is being treated for his injuries.


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