Friday, April 28, 2017

Free stock count & services for the first 20 businesses on

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Simply fill out the form on . is the No.1 Stock counting service in Nigeria. Stock taking is essential for every business especially those dealing in physical or tangible products. Read below to see your kind of business.
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Supermarkets: Taking stock of items in your supermarket is no joke, you may need to close your business for hours or even days, most times you battle with inaccuracy of the count, you may rely on your in-house staff or incompetent hands at the risk people covering their tracks in the event of theft or fraud, making the business lose money. For a high transaction business like a supermarket you need to take stock several times within the year, find the problem nip it in the bud before it escalates, recommended stock count should either be on a monthly or quarterly cycle and stay close to your inventory. Every stock count should be treated like an audit. Call  today 08024646472.

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Pharmacy:The sheer number of products or SKUs in a pharmacy can be most overwhelming, many business owners have not taken stock in years and hence do not know their stock value or stock shrinkage. One advise, “you need to take stock today”. Identify your expired/near expired drugs, know your inventory and don’t wait until you run out of stock, regain control of your business and track your stock. We have a dedicated pharmaceuticals team of stocktakers, Call today 08024646472.

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FMCG, Consumer Goods & Manufacturing: As a Sales/Commercial Director, National Sales Manager or Managing Director you may have to deal with key distributors, Partners, dealers, wholesalers or Stockist, you need to know your stock position at all times not just in-house but also with 3rd parties. The pressure of sales targets tend to make sales reps, key account managers, sales mangers, sales executives, territory managers, area/regional mangers to over-declare sales numbers and under-declare inventory at the 3rd party locations. Get the real stock position, validate your monthly/quarterly cycle reports and plan with accurate data.
Also know how your products are doing in trade, on shelve and in-store. For your specialized projects like Sales force automation, trade census, visibility, availability and product distribution data.

Get professionals and save cost call today 08024646472.

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Fashion Store & Boutique: How many pairs of size “38” red ,female high-heeled shoes do you have in stock? -You should be able to answer questions like this as the owner/manager of a fashion store. Clothes are one of the most difficult inventory to track due to the diverse nature of items and non-uniformity of designs. No two shirts are the same, no two pairs of shoes are exactly the same. This could be a nightmare when it comes to counting stock and recalling the right price to sell at. Get professional help call today 08024646472.

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Bars, Lounges, Restaurants, Night Clubs & Wine Shops: In the business of expensive wines and spirits you cannot afford to lose sight of any bottle, theft, pilfering, counterfeit & improper accounting can erode profits fast. Staff always try to cover their tracks including bar-men, waiters, sales girls and even mangers may be found wanting. Regular stock taking is essential and every bottle/case needs to be accounted for.

Get periodic stock counts call today 08024646472.

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Banking & Insurance: Loan officers and insurance valuation staff constantly need to determine assets and liabilities of their clients, most times stocktaking is a headache for these departments, outsourcing this service makes it very efficient and cost effective and frees up staff for more essential duties. Get accurate reports on inventory and personal/business assets of your clients. As long as it’s tangible, it can be counted, let professionals help, call today 08024646472.

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 Import & Export: When are your next goods arriving? When would they be cleared from the ports? As an importer your number 1 priority after your goods are cleared is to verify if the goods you paid for is complete, also if your suppliers have not short changed you or made errors in packing your goods. Verify your goods before you even begin selling or distribution. This goes both ways for exporters.
Get professional help call today 08024646472.

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Government: As head of an Agency/Department, DG, Commissioner, Chairman, GM, CEO you need to tack government assets, verify items such as equipment & goods from suppliers and contractors and ensure the project has been executed according to the brief, terms, agreement or tender. Junior staff and subordinates in the government may be easily compromised. Get quick & accurate data and reports, backed up by picture and video evidence from an independent third party. Outsource your organizations verification & vetting exercise. Save time, save cost get professional help call today 08024646472.

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