Monday, April 10, 2017

How I helplessly watched my only son die in my hands – A pathetic story…

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It was on a bright saturday
afternoon, just hot like every other saturday. I was at a wedding reception of a
friend with my husband and our three children. About an hour after our arrival, my
son (18 years old) started feeling very uneasy and uncomfortable so we advised
him to go outside and stay for a while so he can enjoy some fresh air and get

He stood up and took some few steps
away from our table and suddenly, he just slumped on the ground. I rushed
towards him and my husband ran after me, together with some other guests that
noticed the accident.

With the help of other people, we
carried him outside, with the hope that he just needed some fresh air.

We laid him on the floor, loosened
his shirts and we fanned him with everything we could lay our hands on and
sprinkled water on his face but after about 3 minutes, my son still remained

Then one of the men around advised
we take him to hospital and we quickly carried him into our car and drove off.

On our way to the hospital, i was at
the back seat with my son with his head placed on my thigh. I watched him
helplessly, i did not know what to do so we only showered all the prayers we
could, hoping he will wake up while we were in the car but all to no avail.

It took us about 20 minutes to get
to the neareat hospital due to the saturday afternoon traffic in lagos.

On getting to the gospital, We
carried him out of the car and straight into the hospital emergency room. The
nurses quickly brought all their equipments and called on the doctor to come
and attend to us.

Seconds later, the doctor surfaced
and checked on my son.

He then turned to my husband and i
and gave us the most shocking look i have ever witnessed in my life and told us
that he was no more.

We wept out our lives that day…. A
wedding ceremony we will never forget…. A black saturday for us.


It is quite unfortunate that most
people do not know how to handle basic medical emergencies in order to keep a
victim alive and stable till they get to the nearest hospital.

This is quite unfortunate as we
continue loosing our loved ones carelessly on daily basis at our homes, work
places, schools, event centers etc.

From this story, the boy might have
suffered from heart attack or shock and ordinary Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR) from his parents would have kept him alive till they get to the hospital.

This is why you need the services of
Golden Hour Medics ltd.

Golden Hour Medics ltd is an
Organization that render training services on Emergency Medical care (Basic
Life support & First Aid skills). Our Organization is made up of well
experienced Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics and we are a member of the Nigerian
Red cross Society.

We train people on how to manage:

* Unconsciousness (with CPR)

* Choking while eating

* Sudden seizure

* Asthma attack

* Ingestion of poisoneous substances

* Dislocation and fractures

* Burns

* Massive Bleeding

* Animal bites & stings

* Heart attack

* Stroke (CVA)

* Head, Chest & Abdominal

We have trained Government Agencies,
Corporate Organizations, School teachers and students, Parents, Nannies etc.

We can still partner with companies
(as part of their CSR) to train school children or those in the rural areas on
this very important medical skills.

You can contact us for more info:

– Phone:
08082888849, 09035860565

– Whatsapp: 09035860565

– BB pin: 3341FFD8

– email:

Medical emergencies can happen to anybody, anywhere, anytime… Get trained, stay prepared and save a life!!!


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