Found this amazing write up on Instagram from someone who attended the conference yesterday. She wrote;
“No Happiness/Joy Is Greater Than Hearing People say ‘Because of you I didn’t give up!’ @officiallindaikeji I just can’t thank you enough ma’am for hosting such an outstanding/remarkable, a one of its kind Woman Conference in Lagos, Nigeria.
I was totally marveled hearing Phenomenal Women share their stories, their experiences, their challenges, their accomplishment and so on.
@officiallindaikeji made me understand yesterday that if you want to start your journey to success, you’ve got to choose one of two things. GOD or Man. Your choice determines where your journey takes you . Your Choice will either MAKE or MAR you. Man will only offer you less than you deserve but… The Uncreated Creator of All Creations will offer you more than you deserve. Ladies, please be wise#selfmadewomanconference #wearefearfullyandwonderfullymade #selfmadewoman #ladies #powerfulwoman
@selfmadewomanconference @officiallindaikeji
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