Saturday, April 1, 2017

Singularity University announces first West Africa Global Impact Challenge in Nigeria!!!

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Are you working on a Big Idea? Can your Innovation Positively impact the lives of people in West Africa and beyond?

Then this is for you! Singularity University in conjunction with Imaginarium Creative and Melt water will play host to the First Singularity University West Africa Global Impact Challenge.

Singularity University (SU) is a global community that uses exponential technologies to tackle the world’s biggest challenges that impacts the lives of billions of people worldwide. They have successfully hosted Global Impact Challenges since 2010 in many countries all over the world. To date, it has hosted 94 Challenges in 38 countries awarding 121 winners.

The objective of these challenges is to spur moonshot innovations to solve the world’s greatest global challenges, such as; energy, environment, food, shelter, space, water, disaster resilience, governance, health, learning, prosperity and security by using exponential technology.

The newly announced “Singularity University West Africa Global Impact Challenge”  is open to all citizens and residents of West Africa who are passionate entrepreneurs, technologists, scientists, or change agents with expertise in their chosen field(s).

The winner of the Challenge will be selected on the 19th of April, 2017.The winner will secure full sponsorship to attend the prestigious Global Solutions Program at Singularity University. The program runs from June 17 to August 17, 2017, and will be held on the SU campus at NASA Research Park in the heart of Silicon Valley.

But wait! There’s more!

All semi-finalists and finalists of this challenge will be invited to participate in an immersive workshop experience in Lagos, Nigeria on the 18th  of April 2017. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about exponential technologies and the latest entrepreneurial tools and will benefit by having access to a cadre of mentors and coaches who will help them through the start-up phase of their project.

The Pitch Event for the Finalists  will come up on the 19th of April 2017…The jury will consist of representatives and alumni from Singularity University, Mest, Imaginarium, as well as senior representatives of the entrepreneurship, business or innovation community.


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