Mr Ye Wei, a Chinese Kung Fu master astounded a watching crowd by pulling a row of seven Audi cars with nothing but his testicles. The 39yr old pulled the cars a distance of eight metres to successfully break his personal record set last year which saw him pulling five cars.
According to Mr Ye, the stunt called Xi Sui Gong or Xi Sui Technique is a wellness regime practised by Taoists to improve their fertility. After successfully completing the challenge, Mr Ye told a reporter that he had been practising kung fu for around 30 years and that he had worked as the principal for three martial arts schools. Dr Chen Yu,Department of Urology at Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital said ‘Xi Sui Gong’ could help curing or prevent urinary incontinence as the exercise trains the pelvis and muscles around the thigh.’
He also added the action of stimulating the testicles can help problems of premature ejaculation and extend the endurance on sex performance.
However, there is also an effect of bending the penis and skin peeling on the testicles.
Watch the video below:
Source: Daily Mail.
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