Thursday, June 1, 2017

Australian Woman Who Boasts An Enviable Bikini Body And Hasn’t Eaten Sugar For 28 YEARS Reveals The Secrets To Her Flawless Physique

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Carolyn Hartz boasts a bikini body and glowing complexion that many women decades younger could only dream of.

The Perth-based mother-of-three, who gave up sugar 28 years ago after years of being ‘addicted’ to sweets, recently spoke to FEMAIL about her top beauty and health secrets for women of all ages.

‘A lot of women post 50 think that it’s not possible to maintain a reasonable shape and weight when they reach 50 or beyond,’ the SweetLife founder told Daily Mail Australia.

‘I even speak to women who are in their 40s and who have had children and think they cannot regain their post baby body.’

Mrs Hartz, who is 70, says while it may be ‘a little more difficult’ to stay in shape for women post 40, it can ‘still be possible if you really want to work at it’.

‘We know our metabolism slows down as we get older it just means we have to take control and make healthier choices and work a little harder,’ she said.

‘I believe it is very important to be aware of the type of food you eat and the quantity of food you eat. Being mindful while you are eating is a huge factor.

‘Mindless eating can lead to unnecessary weight gain. I say to my customers “taste and enjoy every mouthful”… it will help you slow down and you will be less likely to overeat.’

‘I wear sunscreen everyday under my makeup and never sun bake. I am very aware of the damaging effects of the sun and I had this reminder when I had a cancer removed from my nose when I was only 30.’

For women in their 20s and 30s, Mrs Hartz advises them to live life to the absolute fullest.

‘Be happy for everyone and never worry about your age,’ she said.

‘Don’t listen to the naysayers, be your own person. Attitude is your most important asset. Life is not perfect, accept this and grab it with both hands.

There is no such thing as failure, it is just a stepping stone to success. In fact I don’t use the word failure I prefer “setback”. It does not have a negative tone.

The post Australian Woman Who Boasts An Enviable Bikini Body And Hasn’t Eaten Sugar For 28 YEARS Reveals The Secrets To Her Flawless Physique appeared first on Woman of Substance.

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