#WCE You will always be my woman crush! The queen has gone home 👑 My Nana left me and I couldn't talk about it. My Nana went to be with Jesus less than two weeks after my dad. I was completely shattered! I was so heart broken and I felt I couldn't take it. It was too much. I lost my mom almost fifteen years ago and my Nana for me, was mom so it was like loosing both Dad and Mom in a space of two weeks. I didn't know how to face it and I couldn't tell you guys because I know how most of you have fallen in love with her from my videos and pictures with her. I didn't want to break your hearts 💔My beautiful, strong, funny, energetic and angelic queen 👸🏽. She loved God with all her heart. She even danced at the altar with two white handkerchiefs a day before she passed. I miss you Nana. I miss you so much it hurts. If I could have one more day...😢 I love you till eternity 😍❤😘 #QueenAlice #NaturalistaQueen #MamaLolo
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