Susan Peters who thinks she can jump on the 'joke' also commented in Hausa (we can't translate), but Halima got upset and asked her in English language, 'what is funny? you never called me in two years even when i almost died, I greet you too Susan'. Seeing that open insult, Susan couldn't take it, especially knowing she is older, so she gave it back to her; 'How do you call someone you can't reach? When you block someone. Don't go there!'
Then Halima came back 'Then don't comment on my page'. Susan fired back, 'You can unfollow me please'. Then Halima let it slide, knowing it is her page and she started the drama. We however can't say if that continued on the phone, or Mercy Johnson jumped into Halima's DM or that of Susan to caution them. Their munched conversation below...
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