Friday, June 8, 2018

Ronaldo's Mum Hints At Wedding After Describing Georgina Rodriguez As A “Future Daughter-In-Law”

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He's set to represent his native country Portugal for the hotly-anticipated FIFA World Cup in Russia.

And it seems Cristiano Ronaldo might be adding more to his plate as his mother Maria Dolores has sounded wedding bells for the 33-year-old footballer by describing his Spanish girlfriend Georgina Rodriguez as her future 'daughter-in-law', in an interview with Cristina magazine.

In an interview with Cristina magazine, the 63-year-old addressed the Real Madrid player's love life, as well as his children.

The Madeira-born matriarch, who is said to have had a difficult relationship with some of Cristiano’s ex-lovers including Russian model Irina Shayk, told the Portuguese publication that she 'likes' the 24-year-old model, before branding her a 'future daughter-in-law and a 'very calm person'.

The grandmother added: 'She is the mother of my grand-daughter. She is a future daughter-in-law. She’s not my daughter-in-law yet [but] she's a future daughter-in-law.'

Asked her if the father-of-four needed someone by his side, Maria responded: 'Yes. We do a lot of mad things in life and there’s a time when you need to stop and think and shape your life. He’s reaching that point.'

She also admitted she was 'shocked' at first when she discovered she was going to become a grandmother as well as mother to Cristiano’s eldest son Cristiano Jr.

The seven-year-old’s birth mum has never been identified and like Cristiano’s one-year-old twins Eva and Mateo, he is reported to be the result of an arrangement with a surrogate mum.

Cristiano’s mother - who spent part of her childhood in an orphanage - described Cristiano Jr. as a 'special' and 'different' child as he had never had his mum by his side.

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