Her words; ''If you and I ever get to talk about strong women, I would definitely mention @sunmboadeoye ‘s name. You don’t want to know how many expected due dates she received before David, that she didn’t get to see. But she still kept her smile and kept on trusting God. One time she left from the hospital straight to the pulpit to preach in a conference without anyone knowing that she had just lost her baby. What about last year when she had to return back home alone from a trip where she went to have a baby and still moved on with her life.
I can’t count the number of times blogs reported she was pregnant after a loss because of the bloated tummy.
To God be the glory, David is here and she has victory over miscarriages.
She is a blessing to womanhood. God eventually came through for her. I just had to make out time to congratulate her. God will come through for you too in yoursituation????.
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