Saturday, September 15, 2018

Deaf Nigerian Faces Deportation From US

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The 35 year stay of a physically challenged Nigerian  in the USA appears to be heading for an abrupt end.

Francis Anwana who is deaf and has intellectual disabilities  is facing  deportation from his abode in  Michigan.

Anwana, 48, was 13 when he went  to the U.S. on a student visa.

He subsequently enrolled at the Lutheran Residential School for the Deaf in Detroit and later attended high school at Michigan School for the Deaf.

He currently lives in an adult foster care center in Detroit.

His visa expired years ago and was not  renewed because caretakers lost track of his case as he’s moved from various group homes, according to the USA Today .

Anwana was scheduled to be deported on Tuesday, but his deportation was stopped amid outcry from advocates and the support of U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokesman said  ICE will allow Anwana to “make arrangements to depart the U.S. voluntarily.” Anwana will meet with ICE officials Sept. 21.

Kildee introduced legislation, known as a private bill for immigration relief, that would grant

Kildee said in a statement that Francis was  ”brought here as a child and America is the only country he knows.

“Despite being deaf, Francis continues to volunteer in the community and be an active member in his church.

“It would be wrong to deport Francis to Nigeria, where he has no family, means to communicate or ability to take care of himself. I will continue to fight on Francis’ behalf and I urge the Trump Administration to use its discretion on this case to allow him to remain in the United States.”

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