Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Cuddle Your Wives Openly, Cleric Tells Husbands

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In a bid to promote love, Bishop Dare David, the General Overseer of Reformation Pentecostal Chapel, Ilorin, has advised husbands, particularly clerics and Christians, to cuddle their wives proudly and fondly in the public.

The cleric noted that some men, particularly men of God, were in the habit of snubbing their wives publicly and described such men as hypocrites and pretenders.

“Many times men push their wives away in public; you hardly see them play or laugh together. “Sometimes, if not for their outfits, you do not even know they are married. We men of God are especially guilty of this because we are too busy and we want to present ourselves as respectable.

“The Bible urges that you love your wife without condition. It is not written that a man should show love only in the home. “What is wrong with holding one’s wife’s hand in the public or hugging her? Yet, we do all this in the secrecy of our homes; it is simply hypocrisy,” David said on Tuesday in Ilorin.

“Men should dance with their wives at home, take a walk, take her out on a date, go to the cinemas with her, make her feel loved and give her attention.”

 According to David, part of the plans and visions of God while instituting marriage is to address the loneliness of both the man and the woman may be subjected to at homes. Describing the family as a divine responsibility, the cleric stressed for husbands to cling firmly and fondly to their wives. “So, in our daily walk with God as Christians, we should always remember that God also gave us a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly, which is the family,” he said.

David, however, urged wives to submit totally and unconditionally to their husbands as commanded by God in the Holy Bible. The cleric admonished Christians to love their neighbours as themselves to ensure integration, love and unity in the Body of Christ.



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