In the main video recorded via Periscope, Kanye spoke at length about the mind and "unprogramming" ourselves.
"I just wanna talk about mind control. You know when people try to influence you through social media and try to tell you what to do, or if people post something that's positive on Instagram it gets taken down if it's not part of a bigger agenda," he began. "That's, like, mind control...That's the poison that's happening with social media."
The video was filled with tangential comments and non sequiturs, but ultimately, he kept returning to this greater idea of mind control and programming of the brain.
"I feel like when people try to tell me what to do, they're touching my brain," he said. "If someone tries to tell me what I can do, what I can wear, I feel like they're touching my brain."
He then provided some visual examples as to how it feels to have your brain touched. He explained, "Imagine cutting your skull open and someone touched your brain. Imagine how that would hurt you. That's how it feels when someone tells me what I can or can't do."
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