Monday, October 22, 2018

Woman Tearfully Narates How Her 7 Months Old Son's Nanny Almost Sniffed Life Out Of Him

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A woman, Didi Horsefal has shared the story of how her son's nanny maltreated her 7 months old baby. According to her, the nanny was caught on CCTV placed at her home. She said in the video, the nanny was seen hitting her 7 months old baby. And in another, she kicked him when he tried to crawl. According to her, she even sometimes drop the baby with her gate man when she wants to have s3x with her boyfriend in her house!

In all, she's leaving the girl to God and not reporting to police and begged people to pray for her because it has left her depressed.

Thank God for people like this. Truth is, if anyone tries this with me, I won't even call the police, it is the neighbors that will call the police, because i will use my hands to kill her slowly, it won't be about my son again (God even forbid sef), it will be me trying to commit murder, and in as much as how real it will be, i will make sure she doesn't die, but rip out her intestine. Someone is going to be in coma for three months, and yes i will pay her hospital bills. Ofcus a cheap hospital... When she wakes, then she can then tell me all that happened, why she did that to my son.

The woman's story;
The story of my life again....
My son nanny almst killed my boy slowly
I wud hv posted the vid the camera caught her bt bc my son is involve
I wish i can so you see her maltreating my boy.
Staving him of food,and eating my son's food
The weight my boy has is frm birth bc if its food i spend 26k mking sure he eat well.
Not knowing d crazy girl eats my son food n stave ds little boy dtz jst 7 mnths old
My hrt was broken into pieces aft watching d vid, seeing my son been maltreated in such manner
Hv never been bad to her, those dt knw me knws me pretty well, hv never ever been rude or bad
D love i hv fr my boy, i transfer it 2 her,i care fr her like my own daughter bt yet
My people no matter hw kind u r person wer wan do u go still do u.
She kicked my boy while he was trying 2 crawl, leaving d boy 2 cry helplessly ,d little man jst needed a cuddle 2 put him 2 sleep
In d vid she was slapping my son, hitting him.
I couldnt believe my eyes

I hv learnt my lesson, weda am going 2 work, sch or wt eva i cn never ever leave my boy 2 anyone
Xcept my sis Deborah Essien outside her i said no 1 else.
Watching d bully depressed me fr 3days now i cnt gt over it.
I need a psychologist please help me befr i kill someone or hurt mysef.
How can someone be ds wicked
Hitting my son, staving him of his food i spend my hard earn money 2 buy fr him ,my boy was dying slowly
Hving sex wt her bf in my house whn m away n giving my security my son to carry while she was busy holding prick.
If d is anyting i love so much in ds world is my son n my shuga.
I feel so hurt right now.
I provide evyting fr her pls jst hold my boy fr me she bully him kick him, stave him, slap him, hit him
No human sympathy �.
Pray for my boy pls.
E effect is 2 much on him
Xcept hv been bad 2 her, hv stave her food if not heaven will stave her
D will maltreat her children , d will b useless
If m ever bad or rude 2 her, she will be free bt if am not
God will judge her.
I wud hv taken her 2 police station
But let God deal wt her
I provide everything for her
i was even abt to increase her salary by 50percent not knowing my boy is in pains.

His body us shaking bc of lack of food
Let God b d judge n she will never go unpunished xcept am bad 2 her
Xcept i bully her d way she bully my son.
A boy of 7months is total wickedness.
Tnks to pastor Chris Nwala n my colleague n frnds fr d care love and support d gv 2 my son.
I appreciate u all
God bless u+-

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