After years of indulging in fizzy drinks and unhealthy snacks, Clare O’Brien tipped the scales at 18st 9lbs and had to buy size 24 clothes.
The mum-of-four said tying her shoe laces was a struggle and she would shy away from socialising due to her weight.
But now the 43-year-old "can't stop buying clothes" and has a big smile on her face after losing a whopping 100lbs (7st 4lbs).
She says people keep mistaking her before and after pictures as a mother and daughter.
But the best thing of all is that she has a new lease of life and is spending more time doing things she enjoys, such as going to the theatre.
"It sounds stupid but my husband fitted these wardrobes with mirrored doors on in the bedroom," she said, describing the turning point.
"Before then we had just the one mirror on a single door, so I didn't really look at myself as much.
"But when they were fitted it was like I was sort of faced with what I looked like.
"I would struggle to do things people just take for granted like bending down, or tying my shoelaces - silly things like that.
"If we were going to a restaurant I would think 'oh god will I fit round the table' it was just a constant worry."
Clare who has children aged 19, 18, 12 and 11 said before her weight loss she would eat for convenience and would fill up on junk food including cakes and biscuits.
The Tesco shop assistant also said she would regularly make up excuses to miss gatherings with family or friends.
"I never went out," she said.
"My husband is ex forces and we used to go out to dinners and stuff like that but I would say 'you go on your own'.
"Or if the kids asked me to go swimming with them I would say 'ask your dad' because I didn't want to get into a costume.
"When I think about it now my weight was really holding me back."
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