Saturday, August 3, 2019

Mum distraught after daughter brands her 'worst mummy in the world'

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A stay-at-home mum burst into tears after her daughter branded her the 'worst mummy in the world' on her last day of school.

Tracy Carr had gone to meet her daughter on her final day at primary school a few weeks back.

In a blog post on Mummy Pages Tracy said she was nervous as the day approached as she felt everything was moving too quickly in her daughter'slife.

She wrote: "The past week has felt like a strange one to say the least. There have been a few changes taking place in our house and normally when this happens, when we go through some sort of a change to the routine, I have a tendency to feel like this for a few days.

"So what happened this week in particular? Well my daughter was going into her last week of school before breaking for the summer holidays and instead of looking forward to it and feeling excited like I thought I was supposed to, I was feeling nervous and out of sorts.

"I am happy for her to get her holidays of course but I just can’t believe that the year has come to an end already.

"Why is everything happening so quickly?"

When the day came she saw her little girl happily walking out with "two bulging folders of all the artwork she had done throughout the year" - but then things went quickly downhill.

As the entire school poured out after a half day flocks of children headed towards the park and she her daughter and her little sister followed in a cloud of euphoria.

The youngsters were "laughing, running, climbing and swinging off monkey bars like nothing else mattered in the world," she wrote.

But suddenly dark clouds came overhead and Tracy said she could see they were about to be soaked with a downpour.

She wrote: "These showers had been coming thick and fast recently so we knew we had to move with speed. I grabbed my two-year-old and shouted to her sister to hurry as the drops of rain began to hit our heads.

"We had no coats so I started running towards our house which is just a five minute walk from the park, my toddler in my arms. My daughter followed but she was furious that she was leaving so soon."

The little girl shouted at her mum and demanded to know why she had not brought her car.

Tracy carried on running but tried to explain saying it had been sunny when she left so decided to walk.

But that wasn't good enough for her daughter, who responded with: 'Well you are the worst Mummy in the world.'

When they got in she said she sorted them out into dry clothes but then gave her daughter a ticking off and informed her that she was having no TV or treats for the rest of the day.

But moments after her daughter walked off, her head hung low, she burst into tears admitting to herself she did not think she was 'that emotional.'

Yet despite her upset, Tracy takes huge positives and says her little girls are the "keepers of my heart" that she would do anything for.

She wrote: "I didn’t cry when I saw  Titanic  – I didn’t even cry on my wedding day. But these girls know how to bring me to my knees and reduce me to tears at times. 

"So I'm learning to roll with the parental punches. As mums and dads we have no other choice, do we? Because I have no doubt there will be many more of them down the road."

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