Dannette Glitz, from Sturgis in South Dakota in the US, had no idea she was pregnant as she did not feel any movement and did not experience any morning sickness.
In a post on Facebook , she said: "I started getting pains in my back and in my side and it felt like kidney stones.
"I kept pushing on till Saturday and I was in so much pain all I could do was lie in my bed and cry. It hurt to move and even breath."
Dannette thought she needed urgent surgery to break up the stones and went into hospital on August 10.
But was shocked when the doctor told her she was 34-weeks pregnant.
Initially the doctor thought she was having twins and the third baby even took them by surprise.
Dannette told KOTA-TV: "You don’t ever see triplets being conceived naturally, let alone going 34 weeks without knowing.
Her friend has now set up a fundraising page to help the couple buy supplies for the babies.
A total of £727 has been raised so far .
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