Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Lesbian says she has been having s.e.x with her male roommate while on lockdown

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A woman has shared her experience of s.e.x in lockdown with the world in a magazine – and it’s not what you might expect.

The woman submitted her story to Slate Magazine as part of their “ Coronavirus Diaries” series.

The magazine documents the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on everyday lives.

In the dispatch, an anonymous woman admitted that, despite being a lesbian, she had been having sex with her male roommate during lockdown.

She wrote in her story that she hadn’t had s.e.x with a man in three years.

The woman had come out to her mother at that time and began living her life as a lesbian.

But, that changed when the coronavirus pandemic spread across the world.

She said: “Times are different now.

“Anything is possible in a pandemic.”

She admitted that she hadn’t known her housemates well before the crisis.

Living in Brooklyn, New York, she said: “It’s easy to share a space with strangers in New York City and live completely separate lives without learning anything about one another, even in your own home.”

When she began to worry about the killer virus she asked her roommate if he wanted to share some drinks in the lounge.

The woman wrote: “I had downed two glasses of wine already; the news that all the restaurants in the city were ordered to close had filled my feed, as had the skyrocketing death toll in Italy.

“The world was changing every hour, and for the worse. I struggled to locate myself in the midst of chaos and fear.”

The pair enjoyed several bottles of wine together before he asked if he could kiss her.

The woman said to Slate Magazine : “For a sliver of a second, I wondered if he’d hurt me if I said no.

“But that worry was eclipsed by my desire—my ache for touch and spontaneity during a time when the chances for both were rapidly diminishing.

“Once we kissed, I couldn’t stop. I didn’t feel the dread I felt before with men.”

The pair had s.e.x that evening.

The next day the woman worried about what the situation meant for her identity – she questioned whether this made her bisexual.

She grew excited by the thought of a quarantine romance, but: “it became clear through the fog of my fantasy that he wasn’t interested in or emotionally capable of having an end-of-the-world romance but did want to hang out and have s.e.x with me at night.”

Left unsure about her own feelings, sexuality or identity the woman now says she is confused and unsure.

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