Malgorzata Kulczyk has been growing her hair since she was seven and rarely gets it cut.
She last visited the hairdressers for a trim five years ago and chooses to keep her own barnet in order by applying oils and serums to it.
The 34-year-old, who lives in London, now boasts a 5ft 2in ’do that’s taller than she is.
Her signature style has garnered her plenty of attention from her 10,000 Instagram followers and legion of male admirers.
Malgorzata said: ”Men can't believe it is real. They say it is 'beautiful, impressive and feminine'. Some even fall in love with me because of it.”
While many lust over Malgorzata’s hair, some envy it.
The Polish-born influencer revealed: "People can be jealous.
“There was one situation when a colleague kept telling me my hair was too long and that I should cut it.
“She said she thought it must be painful for me and that I probably spent so much time on it.
"But after a while she changed her mind completely and has even started to try to grow her own hair out.”
Thankfully, those who are green-eyed over the hairstyle don’t need to be.
Malgorzata has shared her top tips for growing out your hair, which understandably can be a lengthy process.
She said: "I would say to anyone wanting to grow their hair long that patience is the most important thing.
"In order to keep your hair in good condition, you need to take care of your body and eat healthy.
"Other things I'd recommend would be to keep hydrated, exercise and avoid stress.
“Nettle tea is especially very good for hair growth."
Growing out your tresses is apparently the hardest part as Malgorzata says they’re easier to maintain than you may expect.
She added: "My hair doesn't affect my daily life much.
“In my spare time I enjoy going to the beach and the mountains, where the sun is my natural hair brightener.
"I wash my hair up to three times a week and wear it as a different style a day ponytail, braid, or bun.
“I use only natural products, including anything mixed with coconut oil, which is my favourite.”
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