Monday, July 23, 2018

Hot Tips To Note Before Meeting An Online Friend In Person, LADUN LIADI Reader Writes In

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Here are tips from a reader who sent this in, saying the tips will help a great lot. After going through her mail, we totally agree with her. She simply wrote on things you should take note if at all you have to meet your online friend someday in person.


This sort of advice is dangerous to refuse.....
Meeting people online is fairly common,and it often works out just fine.I know many people happily married to their online friends and also i have read about so many sad stories of online meeting gone wrong. In this third world generation of technology people have to borrow senses to their brains.
Forget about the killer pictures and fun vibes,If you don’t want to be meeting opposite of your expectations, then you have to do a detective work on your potential suitors and friends wall/timelines.

Look carefully at their walls and timelines.If they are wearing sunglass and hats in all their picture . people they are trying to disguise themselves. is a red flag.

SCROLL to the page far back and see how far and how active that account has been. Look at the COMMENTS or interactions they have with other friends, you can usually tell by their interaction whether they actually personally known each other,it shouldn’t be just one person ooh , then ADD those people and follow up.

DONT give out too much information about you ,get to know each other a little better before given them your personal information like phone number and house address.keep in mind the person is a stranger don’t allowe them pressure you to get such information ,if they are quienue and sensible they will respect your decision.

Before you meet someone you have met online make sure they are who they said they are.The best way to go about this is to have a LIVE VIDEO CHAT with them,Also ask them to take a SELFIE holding a particular sign with your discretion may be a word written on a paper or anything you can make up .This is to assure you they are not deceiving you about who they are,where they stay or what the look like. If you have developed a friendship with this person,and they really wants to meet you , this shouldn’t be a problem and if the refuse or make excuses, please run,its a red may have been lied to.

There are risks when you get together in person with someone you met online, DONT meet a stranger for the first time in an unfamiliar places .Biko,plan your meeting during the day if it all possible,if the two of you are only available in the evening PLEASE choose a place that is fairly busy ,sit and talk, don’t plan on any other thing. DONT go to a private place with a total stranger, have in mind a predatory person might try to lure you to a private place, DONT give strangers benefit of doubt with your life.Arrange for a friend to check on you during the meeting so you can let them know if things are going well.

Lastly but most importantly, i beg you with what ever you worship, please rely on your own transportation, rely on your own transportation.please have your own transport nah, have your escape route nah incase if things didn’t go as planned.

@ Oge Patrick Nsimah

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