Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Student Given A Car By His Boss After Walking 14 Miles So He Wouldn't Miss Work

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A university student who walked 20 miles to his first day of work after his car broke down was left in tears over his boss' incredible show of kindness.

Walter Carr, 20, walked all night in the dark so he wouldn't miss his shift with a removals company.

A police officer stopped the aspiring US marine at 4am and took him for breakfast after being impressed by his story, which soon went viral in a Facebook post.

When Bellhoops CEO Luke Marklin found out, he surprised Mr Carr at work and gave him his car as a thank you.

The college student started the long walk to work through the suburbs of the US city of Birmingham, Alabama after his car broke down the night before his first shift with Bellhops.

He was in Pelham in the early hours of Friday when a police officer stopped and approached him.

The officer admired his determination and took him out for breakfast, and a colleague drove him to the home where he was due to help Jenny Lamey and her husband Chris move house.

Mum-of-two Mrs Lamey wrote a Facebook post hailing Mr Carr, and it soon went viral as praise poured in for the young man.

She told how her doorbell rang at 6.30am and she was surprised by a police officer, who said he had picked up "this nice kid" who was supposed to help with the move.

Mrs Lamey added: "It was his first day on the job with this moving company (Bellhops) and he was 'training' today. The officer proceeded to tell us that the previous evening Walter’s car broke down and he didn’t know how he was going to get to work.

"So he left Homewood at MIDNIGHT and started WALKING to Pelham on 280.

"He WALKED ALL NIGHT to get from Homewood to Pelham. Because he needed to get to work. For those reading this that are not local, that’s over 20 Miles."

She invited Mr Carr inside and said he could have a nap, but he declined and started working immediately before his colleagues arrived.

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