Day 365 of 365 we made it, Thank you Jesus!!! I’m Going into the New year with my best friend and Queen ‘G’ 🤗🙏❤️ grateful!!! So What if God plants dreams in our hearts to show us how spectacular he can be and how spectacular we can be!!! I’ve learned that a man will flourish where he is appreciated and where he applies himself, but he cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to loose sight of the shore. When u don’t know where Life is taking u, u are never lost, only trust God and the dreams he has placed in your heart. I want to say Thank u, everyone who blessed me and brought me closer to God in 2018, In 2019 let me remind you to work like u don’t need the money, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like no one is watching, and pray like ur life depends on it, in 2019 be happy, laugh a lot, make a positive difference in someone else’s life and urs will be touched too. Appreciate everything, even the hard and dark times, for there is a blessing just beyond the Lesson. Put God first in everything, keep the past in the past, Be present in the present & pray for the future. May God grant all ur hearts desires! I bless you all in Jesus’s mighty name and I wish you the very best of an amazing, exciting, new year! Happy new year!!!
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