''Stopped by my old office. Boss expressed his displeasure about my leaving legal practice. Tried to shame in front of juniors by asking me to move a motion. Smh. Told him, i’ve got 16staff on my payroll, I run the company & besides there are not enough seats in court.
''Saw car keys in my hand and said I’m a big girl now. Asked for the car, told him I parked down the street… On my way driving out, I saw him & the juniors clustered at the window peeping, gave them a wave of hand and sped off. 😒
''Law school churns out thousands of lawyers every year. We all can’t be in litigation 🙄. Telling me “you shouldn’t have studied law if you’ll end up running a bar”, told him that “this is the main call to the bar”🍺🍺
''Told my old colleague that law is part of who I am, my application might get rusty but basics remain. That as a business manager, i rarely flex legal muscle, something’s are settled over free beer & pepper soup. He shook me & told me how proud he was. 😄
''Very few lawyers break even, especially in this Port Harcourt where they still do conventional practice. Only a few diversify & specialize. One lawyer will appear in divorce proceedings, have files for armed robbery charges & show cause in garnishee proceedings.
''You can’t make good money from only practice stuck as a junior in a one man firm. Lol. When will you even buy a new bag to house your files? How much more a reasonable car😂😂😂.
''Talmbout it’s not about money.
Enjoy your ride to SANship.
I’m out✌
''Nobody tells you how stressful it can be having your name in the office cause list back to back. 😒
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