Monday, June 8, 2020

World's tallest dog sets new record as oldest of his breed at grand age of eight (photos)

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The world’s tallest dog has set another record – as the oldest Great Dane.

Freddy, who is over 7ft tall standing on his hind legs, reached his second high point when he turned eight last month.

Owner Claire Stoneman threw a party and guests included Freddy’s best pal, neighbour Erin Manley, seven, and his sister, Fleur – born in the same litter minutes after him.

Guinness World Records made Freddy the world’s tallest dog at 1.035 metres.

And they now confirm he is the oldest Great Dane on their books.

Claire, of Weeting, Norfolk, said: "Freddy and Fleur had a great birthday party and they both had the best time. We decorated the garden and they got loads of their favourite treats and cuddly toys.

"I tend to take them out for a walk early in the morning so we don't get smothered by people. Everyone is always shocked by their size and some people are intimidated, they say it's like I'm walking a horse down the street!

"They have their normal kibble with minced beef in the morning, roast chicken with kibble in the evening and a lot of treats throughout the day; their favourite is wonky chomps and they go through about four packets a day.

"Despite their size, they're very kind natured and put their paws on you if they know you're upset. They love cuddling and I sleep with them on two mattresses in the living room at night.

"Freddy was actually the runt of the litter and now he's got a Guinness World Record and is set to reach a second."

Enormous Freddy, whose birthday was on May 17, also has a giant food bill at £500 a month.

He loves kibble pellets, minced beef, roast chicken and enjoys treats throughout the day.

Claire added: "I'm very worried about Freddy and know that I'm lucky to still have him at this age. He's extremely spoiled and can have whatever he wants these days! I could never have children so Freddy and Fleur are definitely my babies.

"I made sure to throw the best birthday bash for her pups, complete with bunting, balloons, cake, cuddly toys and treats galore."

Erin, who is in year two at primary school, has known Freddy her whole life as she was born just four months after her furry friend.

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