Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Weird!!! See What Your Height Says About Your S*x Life

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Do you know your height can really determine the kind of s*x life you live? For some men, height really gives then an advantage.
Illustrative picture
Researchers at Chapman University studied more than 60,000 people and found a link between bodily size and the number of previous sexual partners. Unfortunately for some, scientists found that taller guys tend to get more action.
According to Dailystar, the report reveals that men who were shorter than average (between 5’8” and 5’10”) had one to three fewer sexual partners than larger lads and the shortest men had the least previous bedroom encounters.
Study author Dr. David Frederick said the findings show how important height is when it comes to the “mating market”.
He reckons that women might have a minimum height in mind when looking for male suitors.
Dr. Frederick explained: “Research has repeatedly shown that women prefer men who are slightly taller than they are.
“It is possible that for most women there is a certain minimal threshold of height, after which they will consider a male as a potential s*x partner, and thus men above that height will end up with similar numbers of sex partners.”
Why should how tall you are be so important to women?
According to academics, there’s probably an evolutionary explanation.
In the caveman days, women would have been more attracted to taller men because more height suggested better health and good genes.
But don’t get too hung up on height, because personality still comes first for ladies when they’re seeking a new lover.
“Men and women both report that their top quality in a long-term partner is someone who is genuinely kind and understanding,” said Dr. Frederick.

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