Saturday, January 18, 2020

Student gave birth in secret before hiding baby in pasta box and dumping her in a bin

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A college student gave birth in secret before hiding the baby girl's body in a cardboard pasta box and dumping her in a bin.

Emile Weaver, now 26, kept her pregnancy hidden from her friends and professors at university - and was in denial that the baby would ever actually be born.

However, Weaver went on to give birth in private at  Muskingum University’s New Concord, Ohio - before dumping the newborn in a rubbish bin next to her sorority house.

Weaver, now serving life in prison, then text her boyfriend "no more baby", saying she had "taken care of it".

Later named Addison by authorities, the baby was shoved inside a cardboard mac n cheese box and an empty bag of Doritos before being abandoned.

Weaver said she now feels like a "monster", but still denies killing the child in 2015

Speaking to Elle magazine, Weaver said her lies to friends about the pregnancy manifested into a genuine belief.

She said: "Them not really thinking I was pregnant…manifested into a bigger [belief]: "I’m really not pregnant."

However, rumours Weaver was pregnant had began to circulate as her sorority sisters began to notice her apparent weight gain.

But, on the day she had given birth, some said she appeared to look sick and skinnier - before one friend made the horrifying discovery.

Pal Elise had noticed an unusual and tightly tied bag was leaking liquid next to the rubbish bin outside.

After opening it she saw a tiny baby's foot, and recalled screaming: "It's a whole f*****g baby."

At the very same time friends made the horrific discovery, Emile had sent a group text to her housemates saying: "Attention: Housemates, whoever made the mess in the study bathroom needs to clean it up ASAP.

"It looks like a murder scene."

Weaver told how she had been to see a nurse to get birth control when a routine pregnancy test was also carried out.

But the student never opened her results when they were sent to her - saying she was "scared" and wanted to "put it off".

Weaver continued drinking and partying at the University and even threw herself down the stairs once - with friends often suspecting she was trying to get rid of a baby.

One said: "Between her drinking...and her falling, we were honestly concerned about her because we weren’t sure if she was pregnant and trying to do something about it."

 She concealed her growing bump in baggy clothes throughout her pregnancy and not even her mum, Sandy, knew what her daughter was going through.

During her trial, Weaver described how one day she rushed to the toilet, thinking she desperately needed to wee.

However, she said the baby's head came out and she pulled on the rest of the body before going to the kitchen for a knife to cut the umbilical cord.

Emile claimed the baby was stillborn, but prosecutors said she died as a result of being stuffed in a box and dumped.

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