Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Senior policeman locks 6 boys in his house, teenagers claim officer has been sodomising them

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Police in Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya have arrested a senior police officer accused of sodomising six boys.

Chief Inspector John Marete, who is the Officer Commanding Police Post (OCPP) at Mitheru in Maara Sub-County, was arrested a few minutes past 12am Tuesday.

A resident had informed Maara Sub-County Police Commander (SCPC) Mohamed Jarso that Marete had locked six male children in his house, and that the informant suspected the chief inspector was “up to no good”.

“Jarso immediately called the Sub-County Criminal Investigation Officer (SCIO), the Deputy Sub-County Police Commander, the duty officer at Chogoria Police Station and his team, who went to Marete’s house in Chogoria Township,” says a police report filed at the Chogoria Police Station.

“On arrival, the team found six young boys sleeping on the floor,” adds the report.

The report indicates three of the boys were aged 14, with the other three aged 15, 18 and 19 years respectively. All the six teenagers are residents of Ntumu Sub-Location, and are pupils at a local primary school.

K24 Digital can’t publish the victims’ names for ethical, professional and legal reasons.

“All the children were rescued and taken to Chogoria Police Station. Upon interrogation, the boys revealed that Chief Inspector Marete had been having carnal knowledge of them,” said the report filed at Chogoria Police Station Tuesday.

It wasn’t immediately clear how long the suspect allegedly committed the crime before being smoked out.

Chief Inspector Marete was arrested as investigations into the allegations continue.

Maara Sub-County Police Commander (SCPC) Mohamed Jarso says the suspect will be arraigned once the probe is complete.

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